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Guest British_eh

DiD, should there be another, ( and more) options? Survival in the Air

Should there be other adopted Standard's than just DiD?  

23 members have voted

  1. 1. 1. I would be interested in flying a Standard that was based on historical research and PC limitations.

  2. 2. 2. I love DiD and fly nothing else.

  3. 3. 3. DiD is brutally hard, but I use it as a parameter when I fly

  4. 4. 4. I fly what I think is right for me, depending on the time period

  5. 5. 5. What about us newbie’s, where do we start? I would like a graduated set of parameters so as to start out surviving more than one Mission, and work up to a higher level.

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Guest British_eh

There seems to be an interest in expanding the survival Standard to include a variety of settings that are within OFF.


Thanks to Siggi and all who contributed to DiD, the Standard to which a number of players fly to, (including myself within the Krauts vs. Crumpets Campaign).


However should we look to expand the options within a Standard that can be demonstrated to meet historical research and the parameters of our PC’s, and augment the Tips and Cheats within the General Help Sticky?









Edited by British_eh

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Yes, great Poll


The two voters who voted 'No' to question 5....shame on you!


If we don't bring Noobs on board, OFF will become a total fanboi release!

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This poll should prove enlightening, British_eh. I know I am always looking for ways to make this sim even more immersive than it already is. My roll-of-the-dice engine trouble emulator is one such idea and it works quite well.


WM, as to those 'NO' votes on number 5: If there weren't such contradictory viewpoints in life we wouldn't have wars; and if we didn't have wars we wouldn't have this sim; and is that really the kind of world you want to live in? A world without OFF? Oh, the humanity!



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I voted, because I think this poll could offer some insights into the community's thinking but I confess I'm not entirely sure what is being asked for.


Full DiD is binary, it either is (and by Siggi's rules in the absence of any other) or isn't. But at less than full it allows modifiers such as DiD/T or DiD/L if you want labels to indicate how difficult a flying experience you've chosen for yourself... so it's customisable to a degree.


Or are we being asked collectively to give a guide to what 'aids' to unselect when, as part of a new player's learning curve... so that they can get to full DiD as optimally as possible and to say that a certain set of 'aids' are on or off for different periods of the war? That's already customisable too, insofar as if you want less action fly earlier, if you want to have the upper hand choose the side with mechanical superiority.


What I personally think would be more immediately useful to new players (and to me, too) would be a series of common format 'How to fly and fight Over Flanders Fields in the [Name of Aircraft]' guides, highlighting the strengths and weaknesses of each machine and strategies for engaging, surviving, winning and disengaging vs. different opponent aircraft. We have acknowledged aircraft experts around (specifically for flying in OFF), e.g. Olham for the Albatross, Louvert for the Camel, Bullethead for the Fee and the DH5 etc, etc.


Anyway, kudos to Brtish_eh for raising the poll, be interesting to see the final results.

Edited by Dej

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I completely understand the DiD standard and its role in adding a measure of immersion to an already great game by trying to make us actually fly and feel something similar to what pilots of that era may have. Each of us will have hardware limitations that will require us to find the right mix for us but I am still all for remaining as close to the standard as practical. I have done so and it has driven me to begin to fight differently. I am becoming less aggressive and actually beginning to think through my approach...... when I have the advantage. When I am jumped, well, then its all I can do to try and manuever away from the rounds pounding holes in my crate. Even so, I am loving it. With trial and error I will soon find a suitable mix for what I can do with what I have. In time I hope to add either Freetrack or TrackIR and will modify my style even more. So for now I only hope that those in K&C would not mind the occasional deviation from being 100% DiD.

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Guest British_eh

UNLEAL " As a totally objective observer, DID Lite would be very easy to set-up."


I like this "lite" kind of like a Bud light?





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