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interface ini edits question

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How can i modify the menus inis so that the user inteface doesnt stretch and transform to the screen resolution and aspect ratio (eg 1680x1050, 16:10)? more specificaly


1. keep the menu original aspect ratio and maxmize the size to the screen height , and second option to

2. keep all the menu at its original resolution and aspect , (or give it a custom resolution)


i used to be able to control there in SF1 from my previous nvdia card control panel, but now with 7, Radeon and SF2 dont seem to be given by Catalysts these options (unless they are somewhere in 7?) I am interested in the inis anways as i am playing with modifying the GUI


Thanks :)

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Found out that the Catalysts (9.12) can do the same on my XP setup, but with the Win7 64 there's no way i can do that .... Any input maybe?

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