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Flip in a two seater Tiger Moth

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I must be the luckiest person today.


a Fishing partners father has a 2 seater Tiger Moth in a hanger 50 km from my home town. Last week he won a price for the best restored Tiger Moth in South Africa.


Spoke to his farther yesterday and I'm lucky enough to go up with him. ASA it happens i will post some pics from inside the plane.


I going to mount paint ball guns on the baby's and attack the hanger and trains in the area......rofl.gif





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Wow! Lucky you Morris! Have a blast man..... Ahem....maybe he'll even give you some stick time...woohoo.good.gif



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Just tell him you fly OFF!

That should be good enough for a solo lol.gif


Sounds like a fun afternoon

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Nice 1 Morris...you lucky SOB

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I must be the luckiest person today.


a Fishing partners father has a 2 seater Tiger Moth in a hanger 50 km from my home town. Last week he won a price for the best restored Tiger Moth in South Africa.


Spoke to his farther yesterday and I'm lucky enough to go up with him. ASA it happens i will post some pics from inside the plane.


I going to mount paint ball guns on the baby's and attack the hanger and trains in the area......rofl.gif








I've been in a stunting Tiger Moth, and it was brilliant. I organised for the pilot to overfly the Lamington ranges in Queensland, and specifically the gravesite of Rex Boyden, an Aussie WW1 RNAS pilot who crashed there in the 30's. Quite a remarkable story of survival of the passengers, and the ordeal to get them out from the middle of a very remote rainforest.


As we overflew the gravesite, the pilot asked me if I wanted to do a bit of stunting. Quite unnecessary for me to answer, I just grinned from ear to ear, and he put her through her paces.


Morris, you're going to love this. Anyone else that has the opportunity just HAS to do it.



Edited by Check Six

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cant wait....


thanx Check Six.

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I've never been in a Tiger, but I did have a flip in an 'air experience' DHC Chipmunk, and even serviced them for a while. Nothing much can go wrong with a Gypsy Major. Just out of interest, the Gypsy engines were designed by a Major Halford (of later fame at Napier), and the engine is basically half of a Renault V8 of WWI vintage. I'm not sure which aircraft that engine was ever used in, though. Doubtless someone will tell me... :cool:

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Howzit Jim,


good to hear ur voice again.





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I've never flown in an open cockpit, but I did get to do some aerobatics in a T-2 "Buckeye" Navy jet trainer. I took a number of flights and on the three ACM (dogfighting) missions, each about 30 minutes long, I barfed 11 times, which I believe is still the NAS Pensacola record!


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U lucky SOB.



It didin't seem that way when I was heaving up my stomach lining!bad.gif

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