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Guest Raden

Deadly, yet, Hillarious Encounter!

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Guest Raden

 I was in a routine Single Armed_Recon MSN over my IsraelE Terrain. Squadron cosusted of just e as the Commander and my ALWAYS panicky WingMan the slf-proclaimed "Jihadist" (Moron!).


Panicky, since he always screamed "Missile in-bound, in-buind, in-bound!," while I saw none coming---- until that very moment!


BOOM! I was roasted by a really sneaky Blue F-18 Ausie without any warning in my cockpit when he launched one of his AIM-120C. Screeny not taken tho...


And, later on, I just enjoyed watching (With horror!) this Ausi fighter doing Tom, and Jerry "Jihadist" silly (Sic.), when he got shot (Ah! just a near miss, he survived did not meet his Creator whom I never know...hahaha. Sorry, no offense to our friend moosleems as I am an agnostic.)


Here are the pics, enjoy friends.


Alas, I did not record it using my FRAP v.3.0































THANK u all for ur time.


Comments please......

Edited by Raden

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