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Silent Hunter 3 Poll!

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So ya want some input into an up-coming game ya say? here's your chance to let the Devs know just what ya think. head over to here...Silent Hunter 3 Poll and give 'em an ear full. ;)

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hmmm . i never noticed before that you can chane between day and night and dived and surfaced on the main site - nice


EDIT: I just found out you can turn the sound off as well :wub: .. i love it now. I hate sound on websites - it allways scares the hell out me when it comes the usual 5 seconds after the rest of the page has fisnished loading

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Hehe, know what ya mean; first time I heard the sound on the SH3 website, I thought my cat had knocked the iron skillet off the counter in the kitchen again... :huh:


As for my choices, I tend to lean, no, DEMAND realism. No, I dont want to play a 2 or 3 month patrol over 2 or 3 months. However, I'd like my combat to be realistic as well as the hunt. If that takes some time to manuever and close with an enemy, then so be it. If Im in a hurry, I can always use time compression. I'd like to have the transit to the patrol area possible to encounter other ships too, almost like a dynamic realistic wartime enviorment. This should be espesially easy and historical for the Atlantic, north and south, and the Med. If your a German U-boat commander, there are gonna be British and US ships at ANY point in your cruise. Imagine a transit to the Med thru Gibralter.


How about you guys, what did you think and say with your input? The more heads, the more angles, ought to be interesting. ;)

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It looked like a good poll. Easy tosee how the questions related to gameplay.


On the realism questions i agree with you - let it take its time and use time compression if you are in a hurry. I opted only to let it drop out of TC automatically only if you are fired upon... i dont like the giveaway if it slows to normal speed without any contacts visible.


some of the questions where a bit harder: I have no idea how the crew management works or how much fun it might be. Do i prefer it over gadget-management? - i dont know

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