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Setting LOD Distances

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Is there a guideline for setting LOD distances for models?


I know there is a minimum object distance beyond which a model cannot be seen at all. I am asking about setting LOD 1 , LOD 2, LOD3.


Presumably FX on FR and visible detail operate, but -


Some models operate with only one LOD set at max visible distance (or beyond). Other models operate with five LODs and others with three.


I can get the model to run just by tinkering with the settings, but it would be nice to know what I am doing and why.

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It's purely your decision on which model to use at what distance. It's very dependent on your resolution, screen size, individual LOD details and frame rate.


I will tell you that polycount has become less of an issue as time has passed since the TW series of sims first began.



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The different LODs are good for static aircraft since SF2 I find. In situations with many(10 or more) aircraft in view at once, frame rates can take a massive hit if they are 15k+ poly each and no lesser LODs. Would be the same in the air with 10-20 aircraft in view at once.

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