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Is My System Going To Run SF2?

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Greetings, I've been away for a while, and lots of things have happened to SF since I was last here. Basically I know nothing of SF2. With the expansion plack (with props!!!) is out, I want to get into SF2. My system apparently will run it, but as you guys know, the real world is different. I can run any SF1 maxed on my system, but what performance will I get in SF2?


My system:


Intel Core 2 Duo CPU E4500 @ 2.20GHz

Windows XP Home Edition (5.1, Build 2600)

2046MB RAM

DirectX 9.0c

NVIDIA GeForce 8600 GT 512.0 MB


Please keep in mind my wife will not let me spend any money (it was hard enough to get a new Saitek Cyborg joystick even though she through my old Thrustmaster out by mistake!), so my upgrade options are non-existent.


I'm a pretty decent skinner (hippy vans not withstanding), I'd like to help you guys out with mods (like the one you're currently working on Dave), but if I can't run the sim at a decent level I'll stay with SF1.






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That will work just fine.

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Yes, you will be fine. I have been doing a lot of performance research with SF2 given my system is rather old at this point.


P4 2.6 GHZ

2 Gig ram


Geforce 6200 512M


First off, I had some serious performance issues with the latest, greatest video drivers. I get much better performance using older 81 level drivers.


The fact is that given the same settings with SF1 and SF2 sims I actually get better results with SF2. You need to keep in mind that there are a couple of settings in the OPTIONS.INI that can only be modified there; they are not available in the OPTIONS game screen. CloudDetail will kill a machine like mine if it's not set right. (I use 0). AntiAliasing is also set in the OPTIONS.INI.

Edited by DoctorQuest

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Yep, I have downloaded WOI and the Expansion Pack (I've got a few weeks until the CC bill comes - safe for now!), and I'm also getting a slightly better frame rate on SF2 than SF1. I'll have a look in the options.ini and see what tweaks I can do. Thanks for the tip. good.gif


Just in general, looking through the files, where have all the folders gone? CAT files everywhere, and my old CAT extractor doesn't work. Looks like LOTS of reading to do before I can start any modding. All good though.



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