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Israeli Vipers Pt.2: First Netz Squadrons (1980-1982)

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Israeli Vipers Pt.2: First Netz Squadrons (1980-1982)

This skin pack is for Thirdwire's stock F-16A Netz and depicts the F-16A given to Israel under the Peace Marble I (FMS) program.

Included are all but one aircraft (299 was given to MANAT, the IAF Flight Test Center/No. 601 Squadron) that served in the three initial squadrons before the Lebanon war.


No. 110 Knights of the North Squadron - 1980-1982

No. 117 First Jet Squadron - 1980-1982

No. 253 The Negev Squadron - 1981-1982



Original skins - Thirdwire

Repaints - wilco

Decals and inis - wilco

Testing - guyran




Team Flying Dragon (alex70b, ekek, guyran, Stick, wilco)


Released under the CombatAce Fair-Use License.

If you have any problems or comments, contact us at CombatAce.

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