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Waggin the dog...

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A friend took some photos of me at a party and I thought you'd get a grin seein what your freindly neighborhood moderating smartass looks like... :D


This is a reprise of a shot taken of me 20 years ago on the same spot on the porch of a 150 year old ranch house on the Barnett ranch near Ramona. This is my best freinds familys' place.




Me and dan have been best freinds nearly 20 years; thats two decades...a long time...he still hasnt gotten any prettier... ;)




Sweetie is always mooching, and Im always teasing her...waggin' the dog...




Im not sure, but this may have been right after I released a resonating, echoing, burst of flatulance that caught everyones attention...racketyjack strikes again...




One thing Ive learned in life...ok, two things...

1st, learn to laugh. A good place to start is taking a close look at yourself; inevitably you'll find something to grin about.


2nd, want fast relief? fart... :blink: :D

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All of a sudden I'm getting PCPilot and CowboyTodd confused....



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Lol! I'm not old enough :D

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Lol! I'm not old enough :D

AAAHHHH, ya dadblamed whippersnapper! :D




Hmmmm, come to think of it, old farts usedta yell that at me.... ;)




Oh well, as they said on the movie city slickers...YEEEHAAAAWWWWW!




"Thats a GOOD yeehaw son!"

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Well, I guess it's picture time, eh?


This picture was taken about 5 or 6 months ago. I'm the older-looking codger on the left. My high school buddy (yes, they had high schools back in the 70s) Dale, is on the right. Dale has most of his hair, where I started losing mine in HS.


Hey, it saves on shampoo!



Go Navy.






Navy Chief

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A friend and I went camping a few weeks ago in Lost Maples National Park. Its a beautiful place, lots of water. Right on the Sabinal River, about 100 miles west of San Antonio.



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