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my main game file?

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sounds ludicrous I know but do I have the right file structure for my OFF install? "CFSWW1 Over Flanders Fields" and "WW1Scenery" folders both reside within folder "OBDSoftware" on my hard drive....and not within the usual Program Files (x86)/Microsoft Games folders like all the others...PTO, MAW, ETO, etc. OFF works perfectly so I assume all is well but is this the usual install path for OFF?

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It is alright, gaw - I have it the same way; and it works.

Best is you only begin to wonder, when things don't work right - but they do, don't they?

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You can put the OBDSoftware file anywhere you want on the computer, I have it placed in one called Games on my D drive. As long as it is has the exe file to boot the game it will work. If you move it, and use a desk top icon to boot the game, make sure the path to find the exe is entered properly under properties in the link folder. The x86 file is easy identification of old 32 bit programs.



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In previous incarnations (i.e. Phase 1 and 2) OFF would install itself into the Microsoft Games folder. But with BHaH (Phase 3) the standard install location is now the OBDSoftware folder exactly as you described, so all is well.

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thank you gentlemen for your considerate replies.....I've wondered for months if this fell under the "if it ain't broke" rule and finally came out of the closet and asked.....back to killing favorite pilots after swearing I'll never fly under the influence again. But what's a bloke to do when the best things offered daily are three fingers of rum and a kick-ass dog fight after emerging from the salt mines? cheers....gaw

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