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Israeli Texans: T-6A Efroni

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Israeli Texans: T-6A Efroni

Israeli Texans: T-6A Efroni


This skin is for Dels' excellent Raytheon T-6A Texan II (available here: http://combatace.com/files/file/9518-raytheon-t-6a-texan-ii-ver-10-for-sf2/) and depicts the first batch of four T-6A Efroni delivered to Israel in July 2009. Israel will receive additional 16 aircraft by the end of 2010.




Team Flying Dragon


Released under the CombatAce Fair-Use License.

If you have any problems or comments, contact us at CombatAce.

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Hi everyone,

Just to let you know, I'm working on an update with serial numbers for 12 aircraft. The skin itself will also be reworked (less prominent panel lines etc), but don't expect the update anytime soon, as I somehow managed to lose the template... No one to blame but me. :dntknw:


It just came to my attention that some of you have the missing rear canopy issue, so you might want to check this post for a solution: http://combatace.com/topic/57687-t-6a-efroni-wip/page__view__findpost__p__429395

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Thanks wilco,

I've been using the Texan and your skin as a standin for the Turkish KT-1..

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