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Reccomened cockpits for AI conversions?

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Ok, finaly broke down and got FE2...and I want to bring some of the AI's to playable (did this way back when with FE1 but dont remember what I used for what...) Knowing it's a simple ini edit (having it done it myriad times in SF/Wo*/SF2)


What are the reccomened cockpits for use with the various AI (like, which for the Strutter, etc)


I guess I'm gonna need to brush up on my WW1 birds!





kevin stein

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I use the Aviatik cockpit from the A-Team for the DFW. For the Sopwith Strutters, I was using the Camel, but with the release of Sinbad's excellent French skins I've switched back to using his strutters, leaving TK's as AI. And now for the cringe part. I use the Spad 13 for the RE8, rather than the SE5a. And I use the Spad 13 cockpit for the Salmson 2a and the Spad 7.

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Thanks Heck! That's a big help!


btw, have any/many of the DAT WW1 birds been updated for FE2? (some may still have my 1stGen FE hangar screens!)



kevin stein

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Thanks Heck! That's a big help!


btw, have any/many of the DAT WW1 birds been updated for FE2? (some may still have my 1stGen FE hangar screens!)



kevin stein


They haven't updated any flight models, so you should grab Peter01's, since that's what most people use. They have updated some LODs thanks to Quack, so make sure you have a new download from them. The hanger screens have mismatched elements, so they could use the help of a hanger screen guru (hint, hint). Get all the add on aircraft here, and use Peter's FMs for those. Most were designed for FE1, so again, a hanger screen guru should really give them some TLC.grin.gif Also, use Sinbad's Strutters for your flyables, they're superb. Last, but certainly not least, grab everything that Quack74 has created, no matter what it is. His work takes many aspects of this sim to new levels.




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hangar screens are nothing... the setup positioning for SF2 and FE2 are identical. Hot spots, the 'blackboard', etc. They'd be a lot easier to do than SF2 ones .. to keep it in the same FE2 stock style, just use a screenie of the parked plane.


Guess I should upload my SF2 hangar screen template, at some point in the VERY near future!



kevin stein

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