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OT - Fight the Great War at work

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I thought I'd share some fun games I recently discovered on the internet.


When you're away from OFF because your at the office give these a try:


Dogfighter The Great War


Dogfighter 2 The Great War ( Play as the Germans this time - also some added features and graphics )


This next one doesn't feature biplanes, but is really quite neat. It is turn based with simultaneous action. More of a thinkers game as opposed to the action games above.

It is called SteamBirds. The way it works reminds me a little of the table-top game "Wings of War" ( also a really fun game if you've never tried it! ).


I didn't post links ( not sure if that is allowed ) but if you type those in to Google your bound to find them.


Enjoy! :bye:



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Nice find Ratatat! I've bookmarked all three games and spent a good twenty minutes playing through the first Dogfighter game!

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