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Tough old Xmas

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That usually requires drastic action of some form: be it revolution; mass turnout at the polls to elect a complete new slate over the course of a decade or so of elections; total refusual by the masses to support the current government by refusal to pay taxes; whatever. Until such things happen I am afraid it will continue to be business as usual with the occasional scapegoat thrown to the general public to keep us all placated.

That's true.

In my case, and due to my own personal reasons, I'm ready for action. I'm very angry. I'm already missing the smell of cordite. That was my girlfriend at the time.

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One thing I have learnt...never trust the Money Moguls, The Media, any form of Government or anyone who protects the interests of them.


To thine own self, be true


My Brother in Law is a self confessed 'Author'

Never had anything published (probably because his books are more about lavishing his own ego)...The world of writers is full of self opinionated twats....But if you can stay true to the subject matter you are writing about, believe you have something to give, and stay modest about what you do...plus write a damned interesting book of course!...You can do it!...though rejection is your main enemy...you'd just get used to.


Politics?..well, Vince Cable..the one man who was on a crusade to hit the Bankers square in the Nuts, foolishly also said, to undercover Journo's, that he was also after Murdoch...and now he's been stripped of power!...the Journo's responsible were merely looking after their own interests...because they would be affected.


The Coalition (imho) is merely history repeating itself...Labour comes into power... plays it's part in f***ing up the economy...covered up by lies such as "The end of Boom and Bust"...this shower we have, come in on the pretence of "Hard, but Fair Cuts"...just like Thatcher did...and the whole cycle starts again...nothing changes...one lot borrows too much, one lot cuts back..same old same old

Edited by UK_Widowmaker

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I had a job in a local authority sorting out the libraries, however due to spending cuts that's my job gone down the road. Simply gone.


Can someone please explain to me how I - the IT specialist in the local authorities library service - caused the financial maestrom that's hit us these last few few years, because I'm f***ed if I can explain it, and, at the age of 48, I'm looking forward to a life on £65 a week (job seeker's allowance) until I "retire".


I'm looking at all of you who've championed neoliberal economics for the last 30 years,


Am I angry?


Damn right I'm f***ing angry - your economic and political bulls**t is materially harming my life.


I feel your pain. I'm in IT and while I have a job at the moment, huge amounts of consolidation over the next year will probably see me out on the street as well. I'm seriously considering getting out of IT altogether after 22 years in the industry. Not sure what I'll do but it will probably involve me working for myself. I wish you all the best though. Finding work is hell these days.



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One more IT facing the prospect of unemployment?! Sh*t!

It seems that our profession is on the verge of mass unemployment.

I was predicting this to happen when clouding would be at full strength.

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It's interesting to see how many folks on here are interested in writing as a new career. I'd have to drop my hat in there along with you. I've actually been writing ideas down in a notebook I bought for the last week or two. Just getting rough ideas on the main character, the world he lives in, etc. I'm afraid my work won't be about WWI though. I'm more of a gritty swords and sorcery kind of guy. I figure I've got a year, perhaps two at best before my job is gone so I had better get started.



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