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B-1B Operation Enduring Freedom

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B-1B Operation Enduring Freedom

B-1B Operation Enduring Freedom


3 missios for B-1B Lancer on WOE_Afghanistan Terrain.


In real world B-1B takes off from Thumrait (Oman) AB and Diego Garcia AB, but it's not possible do that

in Afghanistan terrain; so in my WOE Afghan missions B-1B starts from an Afghan AB (considered as Thumrait AB or

Diego Garcia AB).


I suggest to fly steps from WP03 to WP04 and from WP07 to WP08 at 2Xspeed simulation.


As more targets are protected into valley and mountains it's necessary a big care to designate them

using radar in "difficult option".


Aircraft needed:


B-1B Lancer




Ground objects:






Copy and overwrtite (after backup) Afghanistan_TYPES and Afghanistan_targets.ini

in Your WOE_afghanistan terrain folder.

Copy the mission files in Your WOE_mission folder.




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