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A few ground rules, this is for ALL sims

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Folks I am going to set the record straight real fast. This applies to ALL sims. IF you don't like a sim, fine don't like it,DO NOT trash it and flame anybody just because they do. IF you have something constructive to say then by all means say it. WW1 doesn't have a hugh following to start with from developers, and a new sim or mod, or add-on is always welcome. Sure there are mods, and add-ons for older sims out. They are based on OLD game engines and limited to changing what is already available.

When a developer comes by to post, don't start flaming his product. If you don't like it, fine say so, say why, BUT BE NICE and BE CONSTRUCTIVE. If you are not, then your post will vanish as will you. if you do like it, same thing, don't hammer on anybody who has a different opinion than you. If you feel you can't do this, I suggest you don't post anything.

Guys there are too few WW1 sims out there, I can find loads of things neg. to say about any sim, if I try hard enough., but I won't. As far as mods and add-ons, it would be so easy for me to trash them, as I am sure it would be for anybody here, so lets choose not to. Sure there's fans of Red Baron, I am one of them, there's fans of ArgonV's work, again I am one of them, and there's fans of First eagles, I beta tested it, and OFF has a good following also. Folks, I would thing as a WW1 fan you would be jumping over the moon when a new WW1 sim comes out. We should be working together to keep the title going.

So in review of what I am saying. IF you decided your favorite is the only thing people should fly, I suggest you may think it BUT do NOT say it. If you have Constructive Criticism please feel free to post that, in a nice way. I am sure passions run deep, BUT so does my desire to keep this forum from turning into a flame fest. I want it to be a place where folks can come and post without fear of being flamed, where developers can come and help folks answer questions, where we can all learn more. So lets all work together.

This forum as has developed a reputation, and yes I know this to be a fact, to be a very unfriendly place, and starting NOW, this will change.Starting now this WILL change period.

Edited by Dagger

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"Guys there are too few WW1 sims out there, I can find loads of things neg. to say about any sim, if I try hard enough., but I won't. As far as mods and add-ons, it would be so easy for me to trash them, as I am sure it would be for anybody here, so lets choose not to. Sure there's fans of Red Baron, I am one of them, there's fans of ArgonV's work, again I am one of them, and there's fans of First eagles, I beta tested it, and OFF has a good following also."


I applaud your views, however I will base my opinion on your postings elsewhere. I do feel that your profession of support for all WWI sims is compromised by your postings here and elsewhere which have not necessarily (IMHO) been entirely even handed.


Having said that, I cannot let this bon mots pass:


"This forum as has developed a reputation, and yes I know this to be a fact, to be a very unfriendly place, and starting NOW, this will change.Starting now this WILL change period."


I think I would be rather more sanguine and receptive to this statement if it were supported by any factual or documentary evidence. I trust you will be kind enough to post this evidence up for the rest of to consider and debate? For my part, I've never been shown anything other the most welcoming and courteous greetings by CA posters, and I can assure you that I've had heated discussions on several occasions with various posters - but none have ever left me with the impression that I was unwanted, or that CA was 'unfriendly'. Your evidence will need to substantiate this point.






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