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From the Gepard's mouth

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Hello my dear neighbours,


please accept my apologies for speaking English here but my German would give you headaches so let's say that it's to preserve your health. ;)


In a Gepard's post about the Russian AAMS, I read a word that I'm not sure to have translated right and I would like a clarification from a native german speaker.



The word is "Lenkflugdauer". I know that flugdauer is about a flight duration but I'm not sure about the "Lenk" prefix, and thus if it's realy about the missile's flight duration (even if it's highly probable) or about another duration.


Thanks for your forbearance

Edited by FrankD

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It means literally the duration for guided flight, as the actuators can not provide any sufficient hinge-moment to make the missile guide accurately (or guide at all) after that time-frame.

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Great! Thank you very much for the clarification Toryu, no more guessing. good.gif

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