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Hi Guys

something really strange has started to happen when I run any of the SF2 programs. Even at the first menu screen my CPU usage soars to 30% and this is with a 3GHz quad core!!! The mouse becomes laggy and if I get in game, to the sim proper, the control becomes laggy but the flow of the sim as a whole does not. Then it will crash the PC, hang up. I have two installs on two different HD's, they are both doing this, one is modded with the vietnam exp pavk but the other is clean and original. Any ideas?

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30% load is nothing. As to the other issues, it sounds as if something else is attempting to share memory space with whichever TW sim you're running, or some application has a bad memory leak, and parts of its code are still in system memory when you run SF2.

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Does that only happen with third wire games? When was the last time you went on a virus hunt? Sometimes trusting the "scheduled scans" can be misleading, as in a new virus or an improperly updated virus scanner could miss something.


I mean, if scheduled scans caught everything, then computer viruses would have died out by now, eh?



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