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Pappa Goat

Targets submerged into the ground?

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In the version of the Vietnam terrain I have I've noticed that there are some targets, bridges, buildings, many sampans, and even AAA in a few places but not others that are actually submerged partially or wholly into the groud, so that they are underground or maybe only the tops showing.


Anyone else come across this and know how to deal with it?

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In the version of the Vietnam terrain I have I've noticed that there are some targets, bridges, buildings, many sampans, and even AAA in a few places but not others that are actually submerged partially or wholly into the groud, so that they are underground or maybe only the tops showing.


Anyone else come across this and know how to deal with it?



Open VIETNAMSEA_data.ini and scroll down until you see this.....






HeightMapScale=3.000000------- This number could be anything!






Change whatever the number in the "HeightMapScale=" is to "0"


Do this for all [Texturexxx] entries! An easy way if you use notepad (should be notepad by default), is to select edit, then replace, then type or copy "HeightMapScale=x.xxxxxxxxx" line into both boxes, and change the number in the bottom box to "0". Then select "Replace All"


This worked for me, I hope it works for you

Edited by warthog64

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as the issue will be pretty much only on the sea/land transition tiles, try the Black Painted HM bmps, available (someplace!) in the d/l sections -- check under Terrains.


And set the HMS= to 2.0000


Old problem, induced by the 08 patch. There was a LOT of discussion on it at the time, and there should be some fixes posted in the KB thread "Things You Need To Update"



kevin stein

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