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Mission doesn't end properly?

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I was flying around in a two-seater again and got smashed (again). This time when I crashed the mission ended and just took me back to the time before the mission started, as if none of it happened. Resurrection!


I've noticed this happen sometimes during my Casey Joyce RFC campaign if I land at my field and come to a complete stop I lose all mission progress. 'tis why I land and Escape>End Flight before my kite stops rolling. I just double checked and I have the Workshop Settings 'Auto Exit CFS3' and 'Auto Exit Mission' turned off, hence I'm not sure why it'd be doing this?


I suppose it's nice to have a do-over for my German two-seater fellow though. It's literally like traveling back in time 1 hour before his death and getting a chance to prevent it ;-)

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Javito, sounds very much like a problem I sometimes have. Posted a 'help' over at the BHaH General Help forum and got some suggestions re: settings (especailly graphics), but despite being able to manage it to some extent, it still happens sometimes. Weird!

I might try your exit while still rolling trick.


Hope you get some more useful suggestions from the good folk here.

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This happens to me too sometimes. It is a kind of small crash of the OFF Manager.

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It's not too bad really, but early on it cost me a kill in the RFC campaign that went unrecorded after CFS3 autoexited upon landing. Like I said, now I end the flight while my kite's still rolling along the grass.

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Hi all, just tested it again. I'm 99% certain this happens when I do not complete all mission objectives. Just was doing some artillery spotting, attacked some DFWs, and got my engine holed so I cut the mission short and went back home. Landed fine (although I did dig my tail into the dirt a little), then as I was rolling I ended the mission and wham, lost all data. No record in the logbook, no claim form for the DFW I shot up, and time is reset to what it was when I started the mission.


Not sure why it would be doing that. Tomorrow I'll do some more testing and get back. Could be a mod conflict maybe? I'll do some tinkering.


Maybe it was the damage I took on landing? I'll create a red shirt pilot and kill him off and see if I get a funeral.


p.s. now that I think about it I also lost data once upon a time when I landed just behind the friendly side of No Man's Land

Edited by Javito1986

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Would be great to get a better handle on this problem, Javito. :idea:

Nothing worse than sweating over the challenges of a particular mission (not to mention putting in over an hour of virtual flying time) - or (as Olham has found recently) rack up a few solid 'claims', only to have an internal (ie within OFF) 'crash' remove all data related to that mission. I've had one occasion where this has worked in my favour (a mission where my Bristol Scout was comprehensively shot down by Max Immelman, only to revert back to the pre-mission menu screen!), but a number where I was either robbed of a claim, or just a few more hours (of mere 'survival' in a B.E2c!).


On advice I was focussing on graphics settings, and was even making a point of ending my missions 'looking' (with TrackIR) somewhere to maximise the frame rate at the moment I 'ended' the mission. Seemed to help a little (!?), but didn't remove the problem.

I'd also seen on the official FAQ, that simply re-enlisting pilots would sometimes work around certain squad/ date problems (tho this seemed to apply to earlier versions of OFF 3) and I discovered a weird bit of double-counting in relation to the history of RFC-6 (scroll thru from June 1915 and you find you get to sometime in September and then it jumps back to June again!?!), but I was also having problems at this stage with my RFC-1 Bristol pilot and could see no such issue with that squadron.


Last few mission with my new RFC-8 pilot, I've been adopting your 'exit-while-still-rolling' tactic with no problems, but obviously if you do this and still have some crashes, it's not a total solution. :dntknw:

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This happened to me a while back as well, but it seemed to sort itself out after a while (I think I had to fly about 10 or so missions and change the active pilot a few times before it sorted itself out.)


It hasn't happened again - but since then, when I return to the Aerodrome I always land from the west to the east - come to a complete stop and wiggle all of my control surfaces, but I'm superstitious like that. :grin:

Edited by MikeDixonUK

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Ah, methinks perhaps this is just another piece of immersive brilliance from the OFF Devs . . . they sew a small seed of doubt in all pilots' minds, so they develop strange personal superstitions - like (Javito) jumping out of the kite just before it stops rolling; (TaillyHo) stopping, then staring at the floor of his cockpit before exiting; and (Mike) always landing west to east, and then waggling his control surfaces! hhmmm. :grin:

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...as long as no one tries to leave their kite before even landing... :grin:

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It's the damndest thing, it only seems to happen when I don't want it to!


I created a slew of redshirt RFC pilots and killed them off in the damndest ways:


1) At take off I refused to lift off, just kept on going until the SE5 tore itself apart while rolling at 100mph or so


2) I strafed some parked German planes, clipped one of them with my wing, then kamikazed into a hangar


3) I landed in No Man's Land


4) I landed in a field near the base after having flown about 75% of the mission waypoints


5) I landed at a German aerodrome


6) I dropped Cooper bombs on my own squadron as they were landing then put myself into a spin at low altitude and blew up


Each time OFF worked as it was supposed to. Either died, was captured/hospitalized, or things just ended the way they should. Time advanced no problem. So I have no idea really.


I'm thinking of creating a new career called Casey Joyce, copying and pasting my dossier/log/claims files from my current Casey Joyce and changing the date, and continue on to see if that changes anything.

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I had it happen quite a bit actually, always flying Strutters in RNAS 3, I think it was. Finally gave up and deleted that pilot. Never knew if it was a CFS3 thing, an OFF thing, or a system thing.

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Perhaps these are OFF versions of pilot's dreams or nightmares!


"I swear, Willie, that I shot both Voss and von Richtofen down in the same wild dogfight, but the blasted OFF manager crashed and left me back at base sitting in my cockpit, as if the whole thing never happened."

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Grrrrrrr! Still haven't shaken this, just lost an hour's worth of flying and 2 kills! Always if I end the mission after a random amount of time (usually after I get damaged in a dogfight) but before I get a "goals completed" message. So if I go out on patrol, engage Germans and get hit and go home early I will lose all mission data 100% of the time.


Made back ups of my pilots, and running an uninstall of OFF, then will reinstall and patch it up to HitR 1.47. I'll test, make sure missions end correctly, then I'll go through mod by mod and change by change to see what's causing this.

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So far so good but I've run into a little snag with, I'm sure, a very quick fix if someone can help me out.


Since I've reinstalled OFF and reintroduced the backups of my pilots, the mission # gets reset. My main has 80 missions, which shows up fine in the OFF Manager's dossier until I fly a mission, after which it resets to 1, and I have to manually edit my dossier file so it shows 81 instead of 1.


How can I get it to keep the count accurately on its own?

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Made progress. Since my last post I've reintroduced the following components:


Realistic Tracers and Effects

Sound Tweak II

New OFF Medals

And Olham's ViewUI file


I think something here for some reason is causing this. I updated to 1.47 earlier and reintroduced my pilot campaign, went out and tested it and it did fine, data recorded whether I completed the mission objectives or not.


Now I've lost data again and the only things I've changed are these four things! I'll see about narrowing it down some more. Toodles.



P.S. someone kindly get back to me about my mission count problem I mentioned in the previous post when you've got a moment.

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Javito, for what it's worth I don't run any of those 4 mods/ add-ons you mention (or HiTR for that matter). I suspect the problem lies deeper in the base BH&H and only surfaces 'later'. I'd been running OFF trouble free for 2-3 months before I had my first 'game crash on exit' problem.


I wonder - and don't know if you have or can 'test' this (?) - whether it may be related to fast-forwarding in missions. I notice you use warp. I never have, but I often use time-acceleration. Have people who have never used either of these (ie they run their whole missions in real time) experienced the mission end problems?


ps. sorry, can't help with your mission count problem. :dntknw:

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Tallyho, the thing is it's consistent. Yes I use warp, but I always have and this only recently began plaguing me. I ran tests with HitR 1.47 vanilla, and was crash-free until I started modding it, at which point it started right up again like before. I can replicate it exactly 100% of the time, it never doesn't happen when I end a mission early following an engagement.


It's not even a "crash" really. I'll see if I can get some video of what it is that happens and throw it up on youtube tomorrow

Edited by Javito1986

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Ok, I hear what you're saying - and I would've been using time acceleration before I first experienced probs too.


Would installing TrackIR (and supporting software) change anything, because that is the only thing I changed in terms of running OFF that coincides with the timeframe for my first mission-end problem.


And, no it's not a crash so much as instead of getting a mini-film clip and then the mission stats/congrats on your claim message, it just goes back to the pre-flight campaign menu showing the time and date as it was before you started the mission you thought you'd just flown.

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And, no it's not a crash so much as instead of getting a mini-film clip and then the mission stats/congrats on your claim message, it just goes back to the pre-flight campaign menu showing the time and date as it was before you started the mission you thought you'd just flown.





Ok heh, yea basically. No need for me to record it then, you know exactly what's up.



I just find it odd that I can recreate it at will now, there's a specific set of a circumstances that cause it to happen. I'll run some more tests when I get home in a few hours, I want to get to the bottom of this one.



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When you get home?!? Wow, what the hell time is it where you are, Javito? It's 8:20pm here in Oz.

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I don't remember what time it was when I wrote that. Stayed out late last night!


Anyhoo, the problem isn't one of the mods. I'm about 99% certain it's related to the transfer of pilot files after a reinstall. I just ran 3 missions:


1) 1 mission as Casey Joyce August 9 with dossier/logs/claims transferred. Suffered the crash at mission end.


2) 1 mission as "Casey Joyce" with the original Joyce's dossier/logs/claims overwritten over this one's. Suffered crash at mission end.


3) 1 mission as "Casey Joyce" with no dossier/claims/log transfer. No crash, mission ended properly.


Did any of the other chaps who had this issue transfer pilot files from an old installation?

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Welp, I can't fix it!


Not without starting a whole new campaign that is. It's definitely a byproduct of transferred my pilot files over after I did a full reinstall of OFF two weeks ago owing to that "no cd" error I was getting. I'm too far along in this campaign to start over, I'll just have to live with it until I die. It'll only happen if I fail to get a "goals succeeded" message, so I'll just try really hard to complete my mission objectives like a good soldier grin.gif

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That's nasty. Maybe it is always a certain danger to mess with the pilot files?

You only overlook one thing, and it may go haywire.

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