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Can someone attach "Bump" maps

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I can make the "Normal" bump maps for texture templates but I dont have a way of attaching them to the model via .LOD's. Can someone do this if I make the bump maps for model's texture .bmps?

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the bump mapping can only be attached to the LOD via 3dMax, as it's a material applied (so I'm told!)



kevin stein

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Basically, unless the model has bump mapping enabled when the LOD is created, there is no way to have real bump mapping for LODs.



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I'm aware of the need for 3DMax to create, or add, the Bump.bmp to the models texture meshes. I know a bunch of guys out there have 3d Max and do a lot of third party modding with it. So I'm really asking if anyone with 3Dmax would try adding some bump mapping to thirdparty FE models. easier said than done I know. It's such a cool feature, it would be nice to add it to the other aircraft in FE

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Well, if they have the MAX files, and 3ds Max 2009, they should be able to fairly easily.



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