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would appreciate some advice on if its at all possible to improve the canopy glass on a couple of older SF1 aircraft which have rather some what opaque texture

and no reflection have tried some other canopy tga's with no change and looked but haven't found any infor on this subject.

thanks to anyone who takes time to enlighten me.cheers Al

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(is the in the correct forum? as is asks about Gen1 aircraft..or is it pertaining to Gen1s in SF2?)


did you try renaming the glass tgas in each skin folder (where they need be, btw)?

are the reflection statements called out in the various cockpit inis??



kevin stein

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Thanks for the reply Wrench yes this is for for using in SF2 I should have mentioned I was referring to the external F6 view and have been renaming to match which usually

works on most but was trying to change the canopyglass on the Yak41 but nothing was working for me. Dont normally ask for advice as I keep bang away till I solve it.

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Usually the transparency and reflection of the canopy or any other mesh is set with 3DSmax when the author create the model. So unless the original max file is aviable for an update of the lod files it could not be corrected.

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