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Dogfight Settings??

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Ok heres a real good question that I know has been frustrating for some. What would be a good setting for multiplay dogfighting. I personally prefer full realism on flight model, weapons, fuel, blackouts, ammo, collision, and landing. But I still like to keep the rest on normal because I seem to lose players that are still new to the game and if they dont have that targeting cone they lose interest and start their own game or leave all together. I must admit this game is way more challenging on full realism. Nothing like trying to track down planes with just the views. Thanks to flying with [ADF]Striker the other night, Cowboy and myself have spent more time on full realism and totally dig it. I find it trully fun when you only have two people playing, its a great challenge. Heck we went like for 1hr straight without a break or a ctd.



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Guest JEAGER332

Just keep trying and find what works for you to have fun in the game

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I too like the full realism, but the radar is so pisspoor that without the cone its very frustrating for players new to the game. Quite frankly it frustrates me a little too. I know if the radar worked properly, it would not be so hard but oh well.

I would like to hone my skills, so lets fly some full hard mp at gamespy sometime. You can teach me a thing or two

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Hey Jeager! Where'd ya get the saucy little redhead? She's my kinda gal... :shock: :D




Wait a minute...the thought occured to me...yes, I'm slow...you a gal jeager? Or you just got good taste?

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Guest JEAGER332

fast eagle just use the radar on the panal as you would in real life

and yes Iam a girl Iam Rangers wife

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Right on!! We need more females playing flightsims....the boys are always getting a bad rap for playing games from our women at home. Mine wishes the computer would blow up!! :lol:



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mine wants to take a baseball bat to mine when I'm home


"That damn computer gets more attention than me, blah blah"

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oh yeah, the topic.

My radar only shows a green box with a line through it that does absolutely no good. You could be right on my six or 2 miles out and the damn radar dont tell me jack.

I'm probably doing something wrong though

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Well u need to get the target in front of you first so u can actually use the rdr for weapons. I use these following functions a lot.


M for Map...so u can decide which bogie u want.

T for select next enemy...so u can get and idea where the targets at in front of you by selecting a view button afterward.

Shift F8 for a outside player to target view...this helps a lot when trying to see what your target is trying to do to you and also so u can get an idea of which way u should be turning or evading.

F4 padlock view...helps when you are in your cockpit trying to reel in that target closer to your pipper.

F8 zooms to current target...make sure its a bogie and not your wingman!!


Radar functions...search is great for getting a lock but boresight in this game gets it done. It seems that I get more kills in boresight than in search. I recommend keeping your weapons set on Sidewinders this way u can use your guns and when u get a good tone LAUNCH THAT FRICK'N MISSILE because u might not get another chance. Do keep in mind the AOA so u dont waste the missile of course. Sparrows work well when the target is not so active but u have to keep that bogie locked in boresight or u just wasted thousands of tax payer's dollars on air. I have evaded many Sparrows while in Shift F8 view.


Speed!!! Air speed is the key to survival. How many time have you watched your opponets air speed and compared it to yours while in NORMAL RADAR SETTING MODE meaning u have cones to follow. In full realism mode u dont get to see the bad guys air speed so I would try and keep an eye on your air speed at all times....you dont need to give a STEROID JERK to turn while chasing a bogie, be cool and collected..heck drink a Newcastle before flying to relax or some other brew of your choice. Fly the A-4 to control your air speed because we all know how fast that bird bleeds energy right now without the patch.


There are very few people I see hosting SF in full realsim mode because of the rdr situation but if you get a good partner to practice with its actually a lot of fun once u get good at it. Mind those who read this that I am not trying to be a buff on this game its just what I've learned so far playing SF and other flightsims.


Almost forgot that while in search mode dont forget to acquire your target when ya get a blip...lol this helps when trying to fire a Sparrow from far away. And in boresight mode the target will be auto locked once the rdr feels its ready. For a brief while u might see nothing in boresight mode even though u know that bogie is in front of you and then wammo there it is autolocked asking for some attention. I usually grab my brew while waiting for a lock.


Hope this helps.



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hey TM

thanks alot!! I will try and implement these tools of destruction in Gamespy later this afternoon(its only 0525 here)'cause I'm sure noones playin now.

Hope to see ya in the sky today


PS alot easier in real life

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Guest Ranger332


ok to add to TM great posting

this is a borsight lock on radar in an F4E

the lock is the yellow box see missle tracking the yellow not the red the winder will track the red for some reason in air to air mode your "bogey"sometimes appears in the lower portion of the screen as it is here.




now heres a ground search radar screen not your agm will track without a lock as they go after bandit radar

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Thanks Ranger for the screenies. I didnt feel like taking screen shots. :lol: In fact I'm proud of myself for just writing such a long post. 'Trash pats himself on the ass' Ranger I bet u have over a hundred screen shots saved up. Geez I'm tired its actually 6:18 am here not what my post is reading...never adjusted the time. OK that's it I'm going to bed!!!!!!!!! Keep that chin up FastEagle.................helps ya see over the HUD. LMAO I crack myself up.......I cant feel my ass been sitting too long.


Later all


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fast eagle just use the radar on the panal as you would in real life

and yes Iam a girl Iam Rangers wife



whoops... :shock:

*reaches up and pulls foot out of mouth*...

*toothy grin*...

*backs slowly out of room*...

*runs like hell*...



"gimme 3 steps, gimme 3 steps mister, gimme 3 steps for the door..."

"gimme 3 steps, gimme 3 steps mister, an' ya wont see me no mo..."


(old rock song by ...can you guess?)

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Yup I was being a bonehead.

Now I got it. I had to go back through the manual and find out how to select boresight.

Now that I figured this out...with much help from Ranger and TrashMan...I don't need to use the cone, but I would like to figure out how to get rid of the green box in the upper right corner. I don't need 2 radars. Is this possible or am I just hoping?

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Yes, you can get rid of the radar in upper corner... go to C:Program FilesStrategy FirstStrike FightersFlight


In the HUDData.ini file under the "display004" heading, edit the two lines for hieght and width to show no values like this...











...thought I would try to contribute something positive before I flew out the door... :D

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Guest Ranger332

I just reduced mine as follows for use in the hud view (del key)











also got tired of that big hawken waypoint triangle










note if you use this config you get two direction cones the top will piont to the waypoint the lower will point to the target good so you dont have to switch view to see map to locate the waypoint














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