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OT/ Strange things happen...

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just couple of minutes ago i was sitting on the balcony, drinking coffee and smoking a cigarette, when suddenly two small faces were looking from the railing at me. the first second i thought what ugly birds they are, when i realized them having tails. in fact there were two smallish monkeys sitting on my balconies railing, looking at me. you can imagine my puzzled face. at least in europe the last thing you would expect to suddenly appear 5 feet in front of you is a monkey :blink: .

anyway. next to my house there are new neighbours since couple weeks and the nanny there clarified the situation. the monkeys belong to them and they managed somehow to escape, but they would return by themselfs at dusk so no problem. :grin:


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I bet you WERE damn surprised! Mmuahahahahahahahaaaaa!!!!


Don't feed them, or they'll come again whenever they can.

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just couple of minutes ago i was sitting on the balcony, drinking coffee and smoking a cigarette....


Was there anything mind-altering in the coffee or smoke? :drag:

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Don't get them wet or feed them after midnight. Oops, sorry wrong small furry creatures. Unless....

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Was there anything mind-altering in the coffee or smoke? :drag:



nope. but that woul be the first thing i would think of too :grin: .








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Wow!..I'd love to see Monkeys in my Garden...rather than sitting next door watching TV all day (ie: my neighbours)

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Don't feed them, or they'll come again whenever they can.


oh, i wouldn't mind. i always wanted to have my own monkey who is sitting on my shoulder or my head like at the old pirates or like at Pippi Longstocking (Pippi Langstrumpf). that would be great :cool: . guess i missed my chance

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