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Separate WWII Installs

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Given I have a ETO, PTO, MTO and North Africa separate installs what Start and stop years should be used for each? The generic 1939 start to 1946 end and how do we treat the SCW mod also a separate one?

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1935-1948 (don't forget the action in China in the early 30s)


SCW, as a stand alone also, with whatever years it ran, but ending BEFORE 1939

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Wrench - I setup my timelines for the separate WW2 installs but for each one I get a mission is complete RTB message at the start of the flight single mission menu choice. Do you have any idea why this would happen or did I miss something when revising dates.


I did replace the stock Nations with the updated one that includes WW2 nations and replaced the formations with the WW2 one.




Any help would be appreciated as I am puzzled.

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I'm assuming you have all the proper Bad Guys ™ installed for the time frame (I know, dumb question ... but...)


I've never had that happen, all the way back to 2004, when we built the first WW2 installs.


Have you tried this, on the SingleMission statement, in the Options.ini...





That's what's in mine, and seems to work OK. I only have a PTO WW2 atm, so can't check the other theatres


(btw, didn't notice this before, but MTO IS North Africa! Unless its' the DAT one)

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First yes, thanks, I noticed that MTO was referenced to North Africa so I have a mod for MTO only.


I started to go through the Nations.ini. I used the one here that was the Nations Package for WW2. I think my problem is within the Nations.ini. I want to prepare one with only the players during WW2 which should help. The downloaded version did not have start or active dates but the original ones does that those date requirement. I did try the Options.ini but no go. The problem seems to be centered on the TBM model.


I wish there was a specific Nations.ini for just WW2 mods which would be extremely useful.


I will keep plugging away and hope the Nations.ini file will give me the answer.


Thank you for the help.

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Just the Avenger??? (I should also ask which version -- I have 3; -1, -1C, -3, not including the FAA Tarpon) What type of missions are you flying, and which map??? That can be quite important!


Mission statements for the TBF-1, -1C should be:










try this nations ini....it's got some changes


back up the old one first (CYA baby!!)

see how that works.

Edited by Wrench

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Thanks got the ini file will give it a try. I was using the Germany map and it is a TBM-3E.

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Nations.ini did the trick everything is working and normal. I can't thank you enough to your help and volunteering one of your files that you spent time working on.


Semper Fi Baby!

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-3E aren't WW2 ... that should be Korean-era only (well, post-war anyway, for ASW kinda thing)


if you want to get rid of hte ventral MG, add this to the bottom of the ]AircraftDAta[ section (where components are listed)




















Edited by Wrench

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Great I will make the adjustments. The TBM is fron the SF2 downloads. I haven't added the SF1 WW2 mods from A team yet. I also noticed that mission type was another one of the problems.

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I've requested an SF2 WW2 d/l section, so if that happens, all the stuff that was on my site (with few exceptions) will start being uploaded here.


There is, literaly, gigs of stuff.

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I hope that you get your request granted. I know having a WW2 download section in Combat Ace for SF2 would be a welcomed addition.


Do we need to start a petition or vote count me in as I would like to see a WW2 section for SF2 sooner than later. One of the problems of being over sixty time is essential. :grin:


Semper Fi :salute:

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Not that far behind you; be 55 in April!


one of the major issues of conversion to SF2 (other than physical model and FM issues....), is are userlist inis needed? Many of the PTO axis aircraft weren't EXPORTED=TRUE; damn near all the Allied are!


in ETO/MTO, lots of Axis aircraft were used amongst the various 'member nations' (Rumainian & Regia Aeronatica 109s, RA Stukas, etc). Then, there's the 'new allied' Italian AF (Co-Beligerent) after Sept 44.

Allied stuff...goes without saying, with few exceptions


it gonna get interesting, when it starts to happen


Of course, the availability of the downloads is always an issue...

Edited by Wrench

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