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Hi, I have found some 3ds files, that I would like to use for new ground objects, but it doesnt matter if i switch on the "smooth" function or not, the Obects still looks like not smoothed. All is edgy and I have no idea how to change it?!

Is there a hidden option? I also tried to turn them into editable Poly and tried to smooth them, but it didnt worked :dntknw:

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you probably must weld vertices... this happened with me before and its an PIA to weld every vertice

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hmm, maybe check if the vertices are welded together? happened to me many times after some faces extrusion or objects attaching operations many times, part was smooth, the extruded one even when cylindrical in shape, not

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Black select all vertices dial in lowest possible value, I think it's 0,001 and it will smooth without making any changes to the mesh... :grin:

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Hmmm...good work around. I only asked because I know others will run into this and wonder what the outcome was. Thanks for posting it.

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Sometimes it didnt worked that way, not sure what is different in the informations regardsing vertices and polys between edit poly and edit mesh in 3ds and max file formats. Some parts need to be completly reworked and merged vertices doesnt garanty an acceptable result.

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That's why I said select all vertices and weld them with the threshold of 0,001 that always worked for me...

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Oh seems I had a missmatching number selected, it doesnt worked for me and the vertices were wildly cross welded.


Thanks for that info, sometimes it happe that you oversee something :)

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