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G-222 Argentine Army skin and relocation cockpit

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G-222 Argentine Army skin and relocation cockpit



Skin for G-222 Aeritalia Argentine Army with decals included.

Also optional relocation of the cockpit for more immersion.INI files Included.

Be taken as an update to the G-222 posted here in the download section

of their authors are: Veltro2k, Dels with a major update of Wrench.

This update is for SFP1 and SFP2.


For sfp1:




For sfp2:

\Objects\Aircraft\G-222 here agreggate the folder named CAE for the Skin

and in My documents\ThirdWire\StrikeFighters2\Objects\Decals\G-222 here agreggate the folder named CAE for Decals


Put the files in their respective folders and enjoy ... good flight. Ariell. -



Veltro2k, Dels and Wrench, thanks for this great model.-






Skin para G-222 Aeritalia Ejercito Argentino con decals incluidos.

Tambien opcional reubicacion del cockpit para mas inmersion.Archivos INI incluidos

Puede tomarse como un update para el G-222 posteado aqui en la seccion de download

sus autores son: Veltro2k, Dels con un importante update de Wrench.

Este update es para sfp1 y sfp2.


Para sfp1:




Para sfp2:

\Objects\Aircraft\G-222 aqui agregar carpeta llamada CAE para la piel

y en Mis Documentos\ThirdWire\StrikeFighters2\Objects\Decals\G-222 aqui agregar carpeta llamada CAE para las Decals


Ponga las los archivos en sus correspondientes carpetas y a disfrutar...buen vuelo. Ariell



Veltro2k, Dels and Wrench, gracias por este bello modelo.-


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