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I thought the RF-8G was to be the first DLC after SF2NA was released. It's in both the .INI and _DATA.INI as flyable. :dunno:

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LOL - I'm really confused now ... but if true, that means an SF2 "native" model could be imminent? Sounds good. That said, one to RC's quality (as per the Bucc) is worth looking forward to ... sounds like wait and see.


RC, I never heard from you - still need any documentation?



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Very smart looking .... though I thought YAP and 2nd gen games didn't play well, as per Ravenclaw's comment earlier in the thread .... and I'm assuming this is the 2nd gen game given it was in the 2nd gen screenshot section ... am I missing something?





Thats my screen shot in SF2E... The yap RF-8G works beautifully in SF2E

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Thanks I999,


So the shortest path to the YAP RF-8G is the base pack ($25) + Mission pack 2 ($15), and wait for the CD to arrive in the mail? Or can I get the a/c alone from the Mission pack?





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Thanks I999,


So the shortest path to the YAP RF-8G is the base pack ($25) + Mission pack 2 ($15), and wait for the CD to arrive in the mail? Or can I get the a/c alone from the Mission pack?






You have to buy yap they wont just sell you the missions. Also I think I remember having to edit the callouts to get the cockpit to show up because TK changed the callouts when he updated his pits for SF2- this bird uses an F-4 pit.

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LOL - I'm really confused now ... but if true, that means an SF2 "native" model could be imminent? Sounds good...



Well, I should also mention that the Europe 1979 campaign had the Jaguar listed and the Lebanon War had the A-4N, but I don't think either of those will come from TW anytime soon.

But, the RF-8G seems like an easier one to implement, and it's entry didn't have AlternatesTypes (the other 2 did: F-4M and A-4H respectively), so I was making an assumption.

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