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Texan Argentine Navy Skins Pack

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Texan Argentine Navy Skins Pack



New paint AT6D-Texan or SNJ-5 . Argentine Navy (Armada Argentina)



Pack of 8 historicals skins for AT6D-Texan or SNJ5-C.

All with paint schemes and real serial numbers. With decals.

This is my humble tribute to a plane that was used in many countries as coach

basic drivers, the Argentina Navy use it for many tasks, training pilots

shipyards in the country for over 30 years.


The skins in this pack are:


Esc.Aeronaval the 1st Fighter and Attack (EA41), 1st EACA 49-58s (years 1949-1958)


Esc.Aeronaval the 2nd Fighter and Attack (EA32), 2nd EACA 49-51s (years 1949-1951)


Esc.Aeronaval the 2nd Fighter and Attack (EA32), 2nd EACA 51-58s (years 1951-1958)


Esc. the 3rd Naval Air Attack, 3rd EAA 59-68s (years 1959-1968)


Esc. the 2nd Navy General Purpose, EAPG 58-64s (years 1958-1964)


Esc. the 2nd Navy General Purpose, EAPG 64-67s (years 1964-1967)


Naval Aviation School (EAN), EAN 40-50s (years 1940-1950)


Naval Aviation School (EAN), EAN 60-70s (years 1960-1971)



Put this folders in the appropriate place and enjoy.

\Objects\Aircraft\ AT-6D, or SNJ-5



Feel free to amend its like this painting, as long as I give

the corresponding credit. Because I do


Good flight.Ariell






Nueva pintura para AT6D-Texan o para SNJ-5.Armada Argentina



Pack de 8 skins historicos para AT6-Texan o para SNJ5-C.

Todos con esquemas de pintura y números de seriales reales. Con decals.

Este es mi sencillo homenaje para un avión que se uso en muchos paises como entrenador

básico de pilotos, la Armada Argentina lo uso para muchas tareas, formando pilotos

navales en el país por mas de 30 años.


Las pieles de este pack son las siguientes:


1ra Esc.Aeronaval de Caza y Ataque (EA41), 1ra EACA 49-58s, (años 1949-1958)


2da Esc.Aeronaval de Caza y Ataque (EA32), 2da EACA 49-51s, (años 1949-1951)


2da Esc.Aeronaval de Caza y Ataque (EA32), 2da EACA 51-58s, (años 1951-1958)


3ra Esc. Aeronaval de Ataque, 3ra EAA 59-68s, (años 1959-1968)


2Esc. Aeronaval de Propósitos Generales, EAPG 58-64s,(años 1958-1964)


2Esc. Aeronaval de Propósitos Generales, EAPG 64-67s (años 1964-1967)


Escuela. de Aviacion Naval (EAN), EAN 40-50s,(años 1940-1950)


Escuela. de Aviacion Naval (EAN), EAN 60-70s, (años 1960-1971)




Ponga estas carpetas en el lugar correspondiente y a disfrutar.

\Objects\Aircraft\ AT-6D, o SNJ-5



Sientase en la libertad de modificara su gusto estas pinturas, siempre y cuando me dé

el correspondiente credito. Ya que yo lo hago.


Buen vuelo. Ariell


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