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I got SFG to run on windows 7 pro

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I know they want us to run SF2 on windows 7 but compatibility mode works (XP service pack 3)


The screenshots do not work. I am running direct x 11.


I could have sworn there was a setting to either make screenshots to the clipboard or make a file. if I exit the game and past the clipboard it is a black picture.

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Two things:


1) Are you trying to get SFG or SF2 to work in Win7? I believe that as long as DX9 is installed (yes, you can install DX9 in Win, no it will not mess up DX10 or DX11), both SFG and SF2 will work natively, no compatibility mode required.


2) Both SFG and SF2 save screenshots directly to the hard drive, not to any clipboard. Find the screenshot folder.



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