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Santa & the 3 Wire

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Culled from comp.sys. ibm.pc.games. flight-sim:


`Twas the night before Christmas out here where I am.

Not a creature was stirring, not even Saddam.

The stockings were hung in the ready room with care,

in hopes that care packages soon would be there.


The J.O.'s were snuggled in their racks nice and tight,

Wishing to sleep until noon with all their might.

I closed my eyes & settled down in my rack

we had just completed our most recent night trap.


When out on the roof we heard such a clatter

that we clambered on deck to see what was the matter.

Away to the kneeknocker we flew like a flash,

I tripped on my flip-flops and opened quite a gash.


The moon was as big as my now swollen knee

And we squinted against it's glare upon the sea

When, what at 3/4s of a mile should appear,

But a miniature sleigh and eight tiny reindeer.


The driver called the ball "Santa Ball Ho Ho Ho"

We watched and we waited as he got a too little low.

We knew in a moment that it must be St. Nick

Because none of us could fix a low ball that quick.


He planted it nicely on the three wire with care

And glanced at the LSO's as if with a dare.

With a twinkle in his eye he received his debrief

When he heard the words "No Grade" he stood in disbelief.


"You don't need to be Santa Clause, for I am he,

But don't wait too long for something under your tree.

After a pass like that on the eve of Christmas Day

You'd think that even Santa might get an OK!"


He threw his gift sack on his back, in a huff

Saying "I can't believe the Navy puts up with this stuff."

He mellowed a bit as he got down below

And started to chuckle, there was even a glow.


From ready room to ready room he went lickity split.

Filling our stockings and chatting a bit.

Telling us of our families and friends far apart

How they were keeping us in prayers and close to their hearts.


As his sack began to empty, his work here all done,

He bounded to the roof and to Catapult one.

He rogered the weight board and readied his sleigh,

With a push of the button he'd soon be on his way.


"Now, DASHER! now, DANCER! now, PRANCER and VIXEN!


Pay attention to what you're doing, this is no time to forget,

If things don't go perfect, we ALL end up wet!


A salute to the Officer, who then touched the deck.

We watched Santa's head nearly snap off his neck.

But we heard him exclaim as he rose out of sight



We thought we had seen the last of the old guy

Until the Boss said "Clear him for one more fly by."

He came from bow to stern, an impressive sight


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Ya gotta love it...

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Anyone who's had to get aboard at night will surely appreciate this.


Merry Christmas to everyone at CombatAce!!! You run a terrific site!!!

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Now Here this!

Rainbow Color Guard report to the Flight Deck!

Ding, Ding, Ding, Ding, Ding, Ding, Ding, Ding


Christmas Spirit Arriving!





Edited by Southernap

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