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IRAS Morane N Skin Set

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IRAS Morane N Skin Set

Morane Saulner N


This is a skin set for use with the excellent Eastern Front Campaign recently released by Stephen1918. The Morane N, one of my favorite 3rd party models, was originally released by P1oppy over 5 years ago, and rivals the best Third Wire planes for detail. It is a special ride, with a special gun, 8mm Hotchkiss and a propellor with deflector blades. The Imperial Russian Air Service bought about two dozen Morane Ns from France and most went to aristocrats, such Smirnoff. In addition to Smirnoff's plane there are three others, Nikolai Kokorin, who flew with the 4th KAO, and two generics, a CDL and one from the “Air Ships Squadron” whose primary duties were to escort Russian airships and the giant Ilya Murometz bombers.


I include the most recent FM by Peter01, as well as the original FM, and the original installation instructions. There are no decals, but there are special sounds for the Hoptchkiss, and some special FX, such as the ribbon streamers that load as “Weapons.” I confess I don't use those, but they are there and you can select them from the loadout screen as “FLT LDR.” When I reinstalled the plane for the Eastern Front Campaign Beta test, I had problems getting the Hotchkiss sound to run. I thought putting the wav file in the sounds folder would do it but it didn't. I needed to install the SOUNDLIST.ini in the Flight folder. The Peter01 FM calls for the Rotary Engine sound while the original FM calls up the lerhone, both are in the sounds folder and you can choose the one you want. The file structure in this release is set up for FE2, but if you follow the original instructions, you can install in FE1 or the other variants of the game.


Eastern Front Morane N Hangar and Loading screens are included to help with immersion. This skins set brings together the work of some of the best modders to work on First Eagles, Stephen1918, P10ppy and Peter01. They all deserve our thanks.




Edited by sinbad

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