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If you like football, you have GOT to see this!

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Im not keen on the idea of girls in football, but she is AWESOME! I am dumbfounded.




Her speed is stunning, she can take a hit, and watch her DELIVER some hits. This kid is...is...hey, Im speechless! :bowdown2:

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You see her stiff arm that dude!!!???

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I bet i can stop her ;) there are actualy many leagues for womens teams in the US. I have played semi-pro for 15 years and one of the teams I played on had a female connerback on it. she wasn't half bad. not stater material but she was good enough to make the roster.To me as long as someone can cntribute i could care less their gender. My 2 cents on this girl is she is kicking but and she is earning the recognition but it remeins to be seen how well she will be able to keep up this level of play as her body matures and changes with age.boy and girls tend to be be on par more pre puberty but after they tend to start on different physical paths,in general that is there are plenty of exceptions.As long as she's having fun and kicking butt more power to her.

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Honestly I never thought much about women playing the game. Always figured they didnt want to get clotheslined by refrigerator perry. But Hey! If they can hack it I say go for it! That 9 year old girl convinced me! She is GOOD!



PS. Oh and Dave, I did! You shoulda heard my reaction. That was awesome. I aint had so much fun watching a video in awhile, lol.

Edited by pcpilot

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