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Always wanted to do something like this...

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Since Flaming Cliffs 1 I have always pondered figuring a way to get a larger group of players together to hold a virtual "William Tell Weapons Meet".


I always assumed it would be pretty easy, have a set of profiles like the real thing such as; a gunnery competition, a timed scramble (from cold start), a 1v1 and 2v2 dogfights, and missile/target drone competition.


The only problem is it would not only be a massive undertaking, but would also require a lot of communication and team work.

  • Could never quite figure how to run an effective GCI system (with humans not AI).
  • How scoring would be posted on the "big board", and who would be willing to do so.
  • Who would be willing to fly a neutral referee chase-type position (and probably film) without getting shot down or caught up in the melee.
  • How "ground crews" would be judged for their readying and maintenance of aircraft.

I guess it could work out if you got right people together and had a decent server with tight controls. Would be cool to see something like that broadcast live kind of like the VFAT.


Oh well a man can dream...






] Edited by ironroad

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You can count me in on this. We get about 4 or 5 more people and this would be sweet. We need a list of what we need to run this and how to run it and I think the crowd will come.

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You can count me in on this. We get about 4 or 5 more people and this would be sweet. We need a list of what we need to run this and how to run it and I think the crowd will come.


I think you are definitely on to something. If there at least 4 or so more people set up the logistics manning and rules and facilitate the rest will fall into place. You could have whole teams (max 4 pilots) or lone wolves fighting for "points" in the airframe of their choosing.


Dumb AI aircraft can be the drones, and live pilots for other events (1v1, 2v2, or intercept/escort) and overall percentage points would count for an event (i.e. knocking bomber down on an intercept event would be more points than an escorting fighter.)


Triggers could be put in the mission/campaign file, i.e. player can only carry two missiles (one radar and one heat), player can fire beyond a certain range, or under certain circumstances, etc.


I guess the only hard thing to do would be work out the rules, scoring, and time run it. Figure something like this would take a weekend.

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