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Sopwith "Pups" of Naval 3

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Sopwith "Pups" of Naval 3

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This is a skin pack of Naval 3 Sopwith "Pups"


1. Naval 3 generic skin - Uses decals for flight colors in groups of 5.


Blue - A Flight

Red - B Flight

Black - C Flight


2. "I WONDER" (N6162), A Flight, Lt. H.S. Broad

3. "BABY MINE" (N6179), B Flight, Flt Sub-Lt. Alfred William "Nick" Carter.

4. "BETTY" (N6205), B Flight, Flt Sub-Lt. Joe S.T. Fall

5. "HAPPY" (N6181), B Flight, Flt Cdr. Lloyd S. Breadner

6. "Mildred H." (N6183), B Flight, Flt Cdr Jimmy A. Glen

7. "Black Arrow" "P" (N6171), C Flight, Lt. Edmund Pierce

8. "Black Tulip" "M" (N6172), C Flight, Flt Lt. Robin G. Mack

9. "Black Maria" "C" (N6160), C Flight, Lt. Raymond Collishaw

10. "Black Bess" "R" (N6207), C Flight, Lt. Len H. "Titch" Rochford

11. "Black Prince "W" (N6194), C Flight, Lt. Art Wealy


There are a few extras inside. Follow the README files





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