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Panama Red

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Everything posted by Panama Red

  1. In case you have missed this thread about SF2: http://combatace.com...e-noticed-this/, this has implications for FE2 also. If this is TK's plans for SF2 (which sells a lot more than FE2), this means that I would not expect to see any changes for FE2 since Tk's statement in the past is that FE2 does not sell much, so he does not have the time or money to make changes to FE2. Edit: Stickied because a thorough explanation of the FE2 Campaign Weather Mod is at the end of this thread.
  2. Version 1.1


    For those who enjoyed my original Realistic Sky Mod First Eagles, this is an update for the newer First Eagles 2 game. First Eagles 2 uses some particular EnvironmentSystem.ini parameters that are unique to FE2 versus FE1, SF1 or SF2, so it cannot simply be dropped into one of these other games. This First Eagles 2 Sky Mod has the following corrections to the stock TW FE2 sky: 1. Realistic fluffy clouds 2. Eliminated the Overhead cloud triangles (when you fly above Overcast or Inclement clouds) 3. Minimized the low horizon band during dawn and dusk patrols 4. Realistic dark night I have included the original Horizoncloud.tga’s from the first Realistic Sky Mod First Eagles, but this FE2 version works perfectly well with the stock TW FE2 Horizonclouds if you prefer a different horizon look. I have tried to make this FE2 Sky Mod as “widesky” as possible, the down side is an occasional “popping” cloud in the distance. If I made the sky any further “widesky”, the clouds would constantly be “popping” in and out, so I stopped at the distance that I have in the mod, which is twice the stock TW distance. Installation: The easiest way to install this mod (other than using the great JoneSoftGenericModEnabler tool (http://www.users.on....ucts-jsgme.html ), is to copy your “Flight” folder and rename it “Flight1”, then unzip all the included files into your original “Flight” folder. The same credits for the Cloud.tga's and Horizoncloud.tga's still apply as in my original Realistic Sky Mod First Eagles (see original Realistic Sky Mod First Eagles readme). TallyHo; Panama Red
  3. A Couple Noob Questions

    1. No, the WOFF dev's removed the personal FOV settings because it was causing memory crashes in the game. 2. Use your arrow keys on the number pad and it will move your view like your joystick POV. 3. Not that I know of, but some one else may know.
  4. Cobra AH 1 ?

    Go buy Yankee Air Pirate 2, it has that and many more planes and choppers.
  5. With SF2, you ALWAYS, ALWAYS use the "folder" method to add weapons or guns, not the Weapons Editor or Gun Editor. Using the Weapons Editor or Gun Editor in the SF2 series gets you into more trouble than not.
  6. Ordering WOFF soon

    OFF and WOFF are separate games, thus can co-exist inside your OBDSoftware folder. You will need a more powerful CPU and GPU to really play WOFF at the same settings as OFF. It also really helps the FPS in WOFF to use the AnKor Shadow mod, because he transfers a lot of the CPU load over to the GPU like modern games do.
  7. New Airfield Objects by Geezer

    Or you can take existing "Terrain.ini" file and substitute his new items for existing items in that file (which you can do your self).
  8. Be careful, the newer the patch the more restricted the game is. TK has slowly taken away more and more modding ability as time has gone on when it comes to the SF2 series.
  9. FE2 Mod Question

    Which one is closer to being finished ???
  10. FE2 Mod Question

    I believe in finishing something first before progressing to the next. What I mean is if you can complete China before moving to the Desert, then do China first.
  11. Not particularly, but I use v2.6.0.157 only because I think it was the last version produced.
  12. Yes, I use it for all my SF2/FE2 games. You just have to put the JSGME.exe into the main mod folder: (example - StrikeFighters2 Vietnam Expanded) to get to work correctly.
  13. You could always use the JoneSoft Generic Mod Enabler (JSGME) like I do.
  14. There is a LOT of discussion over at SimHQ about the Albatrosses FMs and the Dev's said that they would look at them and let us know.
  15. JSGME for WOFF...

    All the JSGME mods made so far have been made with the JSGME.exe located in the main WOFF folder. That makes a MODS folder one step below, or equal with the OBDWW1 Over Flanders Fields folder.
  16. If you start a new post asking new specific questions, you are probably more likely to have other people answer your questions than if somebody has to read all the way to the bottom of this thread. Part of the "buzzing" around you is written into the AI routine of each plane, so until you move up to that step, you may have to live with that for awhile. Different formations will help but not completely eliminate this problem, try them and see how you like them. After all, like I said way up the thread, one of the strengths of FE/FE2 is that you can mod "almost" everything once you figure it out. And congratulations, you are now on the way to an enjoyable FE2 career.
  17. Read this about "Mod" folder: http://combatace.com/topic/62302-what-is-the-mod-folder/
  18. Just remember since FE2 is based off of SF2, you can read the SF2 Knowledge Base and understand 99% how to mod FE2.
  19. FE2 give you approximately double the FPS you will get in FE/FEG (it's the nature of the beast), for instance I have a i7 3970x OC'ed with GTX 780 Ti and my FE runs about 40 FPS, versus my FE2 which runs at 70+ FPS. Second, you can set up your FE2 where it has all twelve months if that is what you want, you just have to mod some ".ini" files to accomplish this. Even the changing FE2 campaign weather can be created if you use one of the mods available here at CA.
  20. FE2 has all the planes of FEG, plus you get far better FPS sense FE2 uses multi-core versus FEG using only a single core.
  21. Each WW1 has its strong points, so it depends what you are looking for: FE2: Hundreds of existing mods, good AI, almost total modding yourself, Western Front, Eastern Front, Italian Front, Middle-Eastern Front campaigns, lot of ground activity, single player. ROF: Excellent FM, weak AI, weak campaigns, not much ground activity, limited modding, multiplayer. WOFF: Excellent AI, very good FMs, best Western Front campaigns, lots of ground activity, realistic trees, medium modding, single player (the older OFF has multiplayer).
  22. UI file

    C:/XXX (User)/AppData/Roaming/OBD Games/OBDWW1 Over Flanders Fields
  23. Names of planes - licensing issues?

    The original SF1 had the Lockheed C-130, but TK took that out due to Lockheed licensing issues. Other than that, I do not know of any other manufacture that has raised an issue.
  24. All of YAP's Helo FM's are make for Normal, not Hard FM's.

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