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Need advise before purchesing additional SF2 packages

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Hello guys !


I already have SF2 North Atlantic and have a tons of fun with it specially with all this new adds what are made custom and form this community however I'm looking forward to buy SF2 EUROP+EXPENSION PACK2 which should bring me the MISSION EDITOR. Now the dilemma I have is, will the MISSION EDITOR work for SFNA ?

My goal is to be able to customize missions in SFNA and of course in other that will be available when I have all 3 together . IN my case it will be :




I have heavily customized SFNA , terrain , clouds , aircraft's , weapon's, runways , If I add this new installs of SF2EUROPE+ EXPANSION PACK2 will this affect SFNA as it is now in any way ?


What is your advice about installing the game once I have all 3 together ?


Will the F-14 be playable in EUROPE theater if not in campaign then at least in SINGLE MISSION ? how about other fighters F-18 E/F , F-22 , F-35 ?


Any word of wisdom will be most appreciated


Thank you all in advance ,



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Yes. Everything is fully integrated, so the ME will work with SF2NA and you will have the F-14A available in Europe (at least with custom campaigns and the ME). Your customized install may require some minor tweaks once you install SF2E for the first time (without knowing your mods, I couldn't tell you for certain), but as long as you still run the SF2NA executable you will have your mods. Depending on the mods, they should work in Europe as well.

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