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EWS V1.0 for Bortdafarms 3D Models NOT for Expansion Pack

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EWS V1.0 for Bortdafarms 3D Models NOT for Expansion Pack

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These FMs were developed prior to the Expansion Pack. They won't work well, some won't work at all, with the Expansion pack.


EWS V1.0, July 2007, peter01


Alternative Flight Models for Bortdafarms 3D Models. Thanks to Bort for the wonderful models, and allowing and encouraging me to do alternative Flight Models. Please contact me on the CombatAce forum not Bort if there are any issues.


EWS "Early War Set" as they are "consistent" in terms of plane performance with themselves and the other EWS FMs I have done - as I see it, at least, with gameplay also a factor, and in Hard FM Mode only. There are quite a few differences between Normal and Hard Modes, impossible to have the planes consistent for both modes. However having said that, they are certainly flyable in Normal.


These FMs are built on Borts set available at CombatAce in July 2007. Bort continues to update his models, and his changes may result in some anomalies in my FMs - usually pilot/gun positions.


The pack includes 16 FMs - PfalzBI, FokkerBI, FokkerBII, FokkerDII, FokkerDIII, FokkerDIIIL, FokkerEIV, HalberstadtDII, HalberstadtDIII, AlbatrosDI, AlbatrosDII, AlbatrosDIIL, AlbatrosDIIoef, Avro504C, Avro504D, MartinsydeG100.


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