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I have noticed that increasing the speed of the bullet the gun becomes much more precise, and ease a lot of the aim.

I tried to create a gun with an higher bullet velocity, 1500 m/sec, but the computerized sight is still set to the previuos bullet speed of 1030 m/s.


( I used the gun editor, copying the "20MM_M61A1", changed the speed from 1030 to 1500 m/s, renamed "20MM_M61A1X", saved, changed the name of the gun in the "data.ini" of the chosen aircraft, "GunTypeName=20MM_M61A1X" ).


Does someone know how to set the computerized sight to the new bullet speed ?


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Are you ensuring that you have a radar lock on the target? If you do not have a radar lock then even if the sight is uncaged the deflection it is showing will be for the Default Lead Range. Given that you are asking about the M61A1 I assume that you are flying an F-4E, F-105, F-14, F-15, or F-16. In the case of the first two if you are in a close in fight you should set your radar to BORESIGHT mode, in the case the the latter three use ACM, then place the radar sight on the target to get a lock. The sight should then start showing an accurate lead.

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Thx for the reply.

Because of what you said, I did further testing ............................ but for now, apart a strong headache, I only established that the LCOSS can't aim with 3000 m/s bullets !

.... I'll do more tests .... another day ......

( ... Also the targets was strongly uncooperative, ...... LOL ).

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Here is what I would do:


1. Use an aircraft with radar deactivated and note that in COCKPIT.ini it has LEADCOMPUTING=TRUE and note the DEFAULTLEADRANGE=. Apply your modded gun to that aircraft.


2. Try to shoot targets using the non-radar assisted gun sight and note the fall of shot.


3. Try to adjust the fall of shot by either increasing or decreasing the DEFAULTLEADRANGE=. What you would be doing is compensating for the flatter trajectory of the higher speed round by adjusting the amount of lead the default gun sight applies to the weapon.


4. If you can get it to adjust onto target by going up or down with  DEFAULTLEADRANGE=, then reactivate the radar and verify if the CCIP, with a radar lock, coincides with the new base default lead range.


Or........ maybe not.

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But with all this efforts ....................... perhaps it is more fast if I study how to build a real new faster and more precise cannon for real, build the prototype, test it, perfect it, patent it, and try to sell it to the Air Forces of the free world, ................ and make a lot of money ........ lol.

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Basic gunnery.

... If is a tanker to tell me this ........... I believe it.


BTW : Thank You for your service in the USA Army.

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