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This the 2048-2048 template made to improve the skins of the F-111 Pack.

Find the skin pack here: http://combatace.com/files/file/14798-f-111-improvedskinpack


I started from the original skins in the pack.


It includes lines, rivets, weathering, stencils, squadron patches, and all the camo stuff.

I corrected a few mismatches in the original camo skins of the pack.


It also includes the bigger sizes of the patches in case you want to make these into decals instead of going

for the painted ones directly on the skin (as i did in my skin pack).


So basically feel free to use it for more squadrons or even aussi varks...

I'm not sure if the skins also fit the EF-111. If so, knock yourselves out.



TW for the game.

Fastcargo and everyone included in the credits of the original F-111 Pack

Yours truly for the layered template.


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