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Capitaine Vengeur

70 years ago this day: Red sunset

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On June 19, 1944, the Imperial Japanese Mobile Fleet challenged in the air the United States Navy's Fifth Fleet besieging the Marianas Islands and invading Saipan. For hours, successive swarms of green warplanes bearing red disks tried to pierce the enemy defenses and to reach the invaluable Yankee carriers. When the countless geysers from downed Japanese planes finally fell back around the undamaged American Fleet, any hope Japan could have had to save his fate on sea had vanished. In the History of the US Navy, that day would remain forever known as:




This terrific air battle makes for a great part in the scores of several of the greatest aces ever in the US Navy. On this June 19, Cdr David McCampbell (CO of Air Group 15, USS Essex) shot down five 'Judys', and later two 'Zekes' over Guam, out of his final score of 34, while Lt Alexander Vraciu (VF-16, USS Lexington, still alive to this day) shot down six 'Judys' in 8 minutes out of his final score of 19. Among the few American casualties of this famous day (20 pilots and 7 crewmen), LtCdr Charles Brewer (CO of VF-15 after McCampbell) shot down five Jap aircraft, but could not make it back to the Essex.

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