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Simple really: I was wondering what factor you would introduce into an equation that would convert the figures given in the aircraft data for performance into figures you could fly by.


The aircraft whose data I was perusing is the F-105.

In the data file, it says:


Stall speed=81.65





Max G=7.33

Max Speed Sea Level=416.94

Mach Limit=2.105


These figures seem to be neither Kts, kph or mph.


My own test shows stall speed, clean, gear and flaps up to be 150 Kts

Max Speed, sea level, clean is 700 Kts

Mach limit appears to be around 1.08 Mach


If anyone could decipher how these data figures relate to actual performance in the SIM,

one could easily draft out a set of performance tables for any given aircraft.


Any clues?

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Hey, kid what's up..?? I have found things in here are not what they seem,,, miles per hour are different than knots,,,which way I couldn't tell you at the moment, if I would to guess a knot is faster so you need to find out scale the flight model is useing..

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There have been explanations by TK himself scattered around TW forums. What I say is what i know to be correct - either by TK himself or repeated ingame tests.

The numbers are in meters per second.

Stallspeed and landingspeed are used by AI for landing approaches. Stallspeed -  speed on the downwind leg; Landingspeed - touchdown speed. They're furthered modified by aircraft weight at the time, exact algorithm only tk knows.

Cruise/climb speed: used by AI for navigation i.e. how fast it flies from one waypoint to the next.

Cornerspeed: AI will attempt to fly at this speed in dogfights. Pit 1 AI vs 1 AI in a test mission and it can be seen.

MaxG: Past this number cockpit shaking starts. Structural damages will happen past this multiplied by a number(1.5???) when FM is set to hard. Usually doesn't affect normal FM or AI -- but it will after you take damage.


These are SF2 so grain of salt and all that. But surely take caution in changing them if ya don't wanna see weird stuff.

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on another note I've found a nice terrain set for wov called green hell,, looks great. so when you get that 105 up you got some nice stuff to crash into.

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Yes, I'm flying the Vietnam mod, and the green hell part brings it all to life. Thank you.

I also love the ground troops popping smoke for me.


The stall speed is given as 81.65.

If that is Kmh, then the value in Kts is 44.08 which is way too low.

If it's mph, then the value in Kts is 70.95. Still pretty low. It would be low for a WW2 prop fighter.


When I'm coming in to land with gear and flaps down at around 150, just above the stall rumble, my wingman sometimes flies over the top of me at higher speed to land.

So he's definitely not doing anything like 70.95 or 44.08 Kts.





Oops. Excuse my stupidity.


Now that suddenly makes a whole lot of sense.


So stall speed of 81.65 meters per second is 158.71 Knots. Which is probably what my wingman is doing to overtake me when I'm dropping in at 150 Kts


Max speed at sea level, at 416.94 METRES PER SECOND is 810 Kts. Slightly higher than I can get, but fairly close.

Gosh this is brilliant.


With this information, I can now work out a fairly reasonable performance sheet for the kneeboard.


Don't worry, I have no intention of changing the figures, I was just wanting to make use of them.


Thanks guys.

Edited by alexis99

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I got a new ride a couple of weeks ago {box, computer,or what ever youkids call them},,, any whooo's ,, I got WOV installed,,just winging it to see what this box will do,,started out with a Super Sabre campaign,,then I got side tracked trying to get a cruise missle on a B-52.. I could use alittle help if you are versed in this subject..

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I think you have some help on this now on another thread.

I know you have to go in the weapon editor and make sure you change the dates on the weapon so it overlaps the dates that you're flying the B-52.

And I know that in the aircraft you have to make sure that the weapon attachment points are for the equivalent air force that the weapon belongs to.


Sorry you got smacked over announcing things that are already in the Knowledge base. Unfortunately the knowledge base isn't updated very much now, and you are certainly keeping series 1 alive with some interesting concepts.

I'm fascinated with avionics, and I used the Knowledge base a lot in order to add HUDs and bomb fall lines. Unfortunately one error hasn't been updated; the statement that with dll70 you can't have both ground radar and air radar.

Actually you can. In WOV, I have my F-105 with both ground and air radar and a bomb fall-line and a HUD. It's just a matter of adapting to the new nomenclature.


How's the radar bombing concept coming along? I'm now flying the Buff in WOV, and I can see how the radar-bombing might be an interesting development. Till then I use the bomb fall-line.

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By the way, I just found an anomaly with the B-52G bombing system.

If you allow the default 24 x 500-lb bombs on the loadout screen on the top two stations, you will only get bombs releasing from the starboard wing.

Try it: Select the 500 pounders in flight, set the Release Quantity to 24, and go to the outside view. Now press the bomb release button.

You'll see 12 bombs peel off the starboard side, whilst the 12 on the port side just hang there.

Wonder why?


Anyway, solution is to ignore default loadout and put 24 x MK 83 1000-lb bombs there instead. These all peel off as advertised.

I also carry 6 x M35 Incendiary clusters on the next stations going down; and 27 x M117A3 750-lb bombs on the next down internal station. Just don't forget to open the bay doors


B-52G lands very easily, but I was concerned that you had to be well below 160 kts before it would allow you to drop the flaps.

According to the Pilot's Manual, you should be dropping flaps below 230 Kts. So I stole the flaps figures from the A-6 Intruder, and it works now.


I guess this is in the knowledge base, but to save you looking, you want the B-52 Data ini. Scroll down to control surfaces and you'll find Left flap and right flap etc.

The values to change are the two DEPLOY VALUES for each flap. The default B-52G is 77.2. I took it up to 168, which is where the A-6 Intruder is.


Now look, if we take the advice from Do35, these figures are metres per second. So the default B-52G at 77.2 mps is 150 Kts, which I found to be the case.

However, if you up the figure to 168 mps, that's....  oops 326 Kts.

Mmmh, have to fix that. I assume that if I want the correct limit of 230Kts, the mps figure should be 118 mps.

Must test out. 

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