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Texture loading in Thirdwire Terrain Editor?

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I'm slowly learning the terrain edition tricks, I'm now working on Terrain Editor by Thirdwire, I extracted Vietnam HFD and can open it, and see the height map properly, but when I try to open the TextureListWOV.ini nothing happens, AFAIK it should load the textures so I can select them on the texutre menu, but the screen remains white as If no texture was loaded. What I'm doing wrong?

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When you open the terrain editor, make sure to open the terrain_HFD file first.

Then once it is open, select Texture list and open the texture list you want to use.

Then you should see the terrain you are working on.

If the terrain appears irregular, select Texture, then Auto Terrain, then after the engine modifies the file, then select Transitoin



Edited by krfrge
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I do:


File - Open... and then browse to the terrain HFD


Select Texture List - Open Texture list, and then Browse to the texture list I want to use.


Then all happens very fast, the loading texture list screen appear and dissepear very fast after only 2 bars are displayed, see attached pic. And then nothing, the texrues are not properly loaded.



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Downloaded this version from Thirdwire web If thats any help, and I will try tomorrow in a XP machine, as I'm on Win7 64bits.



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