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Thrustmaster HOTAS Warthog - TARGET starts with plain vanilla SF2 instead of modded one

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Guess the title says it all:

Just assigned key-commands to my newly purchased Warthog Hotas via the TARGET Software.

When starting SF2 now through the "Fly Now!" in TARGET (I linked it to my desktop-shortcut of the highly modded games) SF2 starts with a plain vanilla version with no mods at all.

When I click on the same desktop shortcut (without going through TARGET) everything is as before and should be - redirecting to my mod folders - but without the Hotas of course...


If I change the working directory pointing to my mod-Folder, SF2 cannot be opend (Win-message: "pogram stopped working" something...)


What's going (what did I do) wrong here? What's the solution? Cannot be that impossible, but I cannot envision the solution.


Thanks for your help!



(I will share my fcf-file when finalized and if you care to have it...)

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Got it (at least closing in): its the dreaded Win-user-rights again... As I am starting SF2 as admin, I need to do same with the TARGET to have it start up SF2 "internally" the same way...

Now I still have to find out why my assigned buttons do not get recognized. Might well be connected to the same thing.......

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Okay, solved as well - I needed to switch back from my custom controls to the default one...


Now I gotto fine tune my assigned buttons...


If anybody cares (just leave a reply here), I will upload my fcf...

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