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DCS: World 1.5.5 Update 1 Changelog

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DCS: World Newsletter update, december 2.
DCS: World 1.5.5 Update 1, Mi-8MTv2 Release and promotions offerts, Belsimtek F-5E release on Steam and DCS: World valid purchase key sites.
Changelog 1.5.5 Update 1
DCS Update 1
DCS Mi-8MTV2 goes to official release status
DCS World
PAI: AI refueling check collision optimisation, multi-hose tanker flow fix, AI-client position fix
PAI : Kutaisi. Collision on taxiing fixed
The void onboard numbers in the custom skins has been fixed
Manpad units will produce script SHOT event
VR crash for SFM planes fixed
The smoke trail effects (leaks, smoke-generators, missile trails) corrected
Missile trail will not suddenly disappears on some distance
Mission generator. The error when China Su-27 is selected has been fixed
The aircraft laser designator will not pass through buildings and missiles will not aim to laser spot behind the illuminated building
Merkava 4. Machineguns' ammunition amount corrected
Fix of the script error when aerobatic task selected in triggered actions panel
MiG-29. The weapons will not hang in air when corresponding wing with pylons is lost
DoF is off for VR devices
Su-27: Engine RPM in the engine stalls condition corrected
Camera will attached to pilot after ejection in any case
MP. The free camera of dead pilot will not be able to move to anywhere if the free camera is prohibited on the server
DCS Hawk by VEAO
AHRS failure on re-spawn fixed.
HYD2 pressure loss on re-spawn fixed.
Keyboard pitch control now auto re-centers preventing HYD bleed during flight.
Liveries: “Finland HW-329 Green Brown” added to country Finland
Liveries: “Finland HW-341 Grey” made more matte and wrong liveries name fixed (was “HW-373 Grey” instead of “HW-341 Grey”)
Swiss textures being black in F1 and F2 view fixed.
Fixed radio indicator showing "---.--" when radio powered off
Updated mil-power engine performance
Updated airfoil tables for more correct sustained turn rate
Updated damage configuration
Added DDM Equipment
Added Caucasus Campaign (1.5.5 only)
Added Caucasus Training Missions (1.5.5 only)
Added CMD Program Edit
Added BLG-66 Belouga cluster bomb
Removed MK-20 Rockeye cluster bomb
DCS Fw 190 D-9
Pilot model in cockpit is able to be disabled
Decreasing of fuel quantity via rearm/refuel dialog will not affect MW50 tank
Inverted keyboard commands for reticle brightness control
Second AIM-9 missile will have a seeker indication on HUD
Simplified Radio is restored
Sling-load gameplay upgraded: new loads were added ( 8 so far, more to come with updates) with their dynamics tuned, sling damage upon contact with helicopter implemented, crew chief sling-load operation voice commands added.
Released model of rope damage with helicopter
Released model of cargos damage with world objects
AI door and rear gunners added ( Door gunned with “KORD” 12.7 mm machine gun and rear gunner with PKT machine gun 7.62 mm), with ability to play as door gunner. Different predefined settings for combined TrackIR and mouse interactions for view and machine gun controls were added.
if in addition to existing input devices (keyboard, mouse, joysticks) there is a head tracking device (TrackIR), views and gun can be controlled in three different ways without the need for self settings by user
Reworked helicopter dynamic according to taken damage or systems failures (tail rotor fails dynamic, tail breakaway, tail rotor transmission fin damage);
Destructive overload was fine-tuned (gear break possibility, tail rotor breakaway), gear friction, damage system from projectiles hits tuned, crew cabin armor implemented;
Armor function for crew was adjusted
Cockpit sound was tuned and fixed according to real Mi-8 pilots feedback;
Gun Camera added.
Special options for module were changed, including addition of joystick without springs and FFB option.
Random shift of vertical view due to airframe shake was fixed
Pilot’s guide was reworked, every procedure illustrated, systems descriptions added (including frequently asked questions on forums), typos and inaccuracies fixed (guide volume increased by 100%).
DCS Ka-50
ABRIS Search function will work
Restored chaff sound that was absent in some conditions
DCS L-39
Taxi and landing lights initialization at night hot start added
DCS Bf 109 K-4
Auto start sequence will not depend by radio start-up request if it was sent before
A-10C Piercing Fury Campaign. AI Chinook will land




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