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SAM Kupol 9K332 Tor M2E

Kupol 9K332 Tor M2E totalmente funcional, los misiles estan puestos para que salgan de forma standar, si quieren reformrle el angulo de salida en el data.ini se puede hacer, se lo ha hecho de ese modo para que funcione mejor, no es exacto, esta hecho en base a fotos, de una de las varias versiones que encontre, pueden reformarlo como les parezca mejor esta testeado en spf1 y WoE


Kupol 9K332 Tor M2E fully functional, the missiles are set to come out in a standard way, if you want to reformrle the exit angle in the data.ini can be done, you have done it that way to work better, it is not accurate, Is made based on photos, one of several versions that I found, can reform it as it seems best is tested in spf1 and WoE


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      Kupol 9K332 Tor M2E fully functional, the missiles are set to come out in a standard way, if you want to reformrle the exit angle in the data.ini can be done, you have done it that way to work better, it is not accurate, Is made based on photos, one of several versions that I found, can reform it as it seems best is tested in spf1 and WoE

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