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Guest IndioBlack

Frame Rate Function

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Guest IndioBlack

I have LOMAC patched up to the version that means you don't need a CD in the Drive. I hit the key that is supposed to show frame rates, but I can't see them anywhere on screen.

Are they in a hidden place that I don't know about, or is there some secret trick to getting them to show?



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Guest IndioBlack
I have LOMAC patched up to the version that means you don't need a CD in the Drive. I hit the key that is supposed to show frame rates, but I can't see them anywhere on screen.

Are they in a hidden place that I don't know about, or is there some secret trick to getting them to show?




It's okay, I found out from another site. For those who would like to know, it's:




It's actually hardwired like the Engine starters, and not alterable in the key assignments section, even though it appears that it is. Whatever you assign there doesn't work, which was the problem I had.

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