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      I've resurrected my Rising Sun install files to use in SF2.

I've gone through the archives looking for any reference to YAP, Rising Sun, etc, in SF2 for assistance and troubleshooting, but try as I may, I'm unable to get the Rising Sun MAINSCREEN to load as the default screen.

It loads for 2-3 seconds and defaults to SF2; very difficult to choose missions. 

    I hope I'm not beating a dead horse, but would someone chime in on how to.... It would be much appreciated.


ps, Hope evryone has a happy and safe 4th of July.

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Good morning!

Are you trying to change the initializing screen?  If you do, you will need to meet this requirement for it to load in SF2:

1) MAKE SURE YOU BACK UP FOLDER "MENU", in case if you make a mistake or mess up the files.
2) IT MUST be in 1024 x 768 resolution
3) The file should be named as InitScreen.bmp

With that, you will have a new initializing screen.


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No, the main screen once you load the game, the very start. I use MAINSCREEN.jpg as my main screen for my install but it does as Eagle114th says in the Menu folder. I think it also has to be 1024 x 768 as well.

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Thanks for the replies.

I have tried both screen files but it never dawned on me to change the resolution.

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Ok...checked the size of the RS mainscreen.bmp and it's 1024x768 @ 2.25mb without any editing.

I've put menu back to original config including ini. Is there anything else I can try?

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Finally got it working: changed bmp to jpg.

And since I'm in for penny, I dug out one of my old backup hhds and installed SF2 original updated to 12/09.

I now have proper prop animations.

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