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Runtime error 9

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Installed WOTR as per instruction including direct x 9. Was able to remap keys (except for POV hat for elevator trim) VKB Gladiator 2. But the real problem is after playing a mission, I now cant open the remapping utility. I get the message "runtime error #9, subscript out of range" it then closes up. Tried clearing registry, uninstalling, but after  remapping it works for only1 mission and then error reoccurs. looked through the FAQs and found nothing even related. Also, this is happening with my older WOFF which is patched up to date. ANY help would be appreciated.



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A) I just had to look to see if they were different and

B) There is a specific sequence to follow to make sure you have completely removed WOFF. I can't remember if it is mentioned in the FAQ, but I know I have been stung by it before. I would look for that and double check the steps to see if it helps. Good Luck!

Also, just curious, but why would you need to remap? Was it not working? Not that it helps much, but I have probably the same stick and it seems to work, so it's at least not a compatibility problem.


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Are you leaving the mapping tool open in the background?  Make sure it's closed. Also perhaps your PC is locking the exe for some reason.  Try rebooting.

More likely it's possible your Anti Virus is blocking or interfering.  Exclude the WOFFkeys.exe from your Anti Virus.

Yeah you cannot remap POV hats unless you use joystick software to change them to something else.

Check those please.


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