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OTC After Action Report - Mission 2

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This is mission 2 of an Operation Tainted Cigar campaign. You can see mission 1 here: Mission 1


Mission 2 was a 0700 strike on Ciudad Libertad Airfield. We were Python flight, four F-100Ds, and our primary target was the runway. We would try to carter it and make it completely unusable for enemy aircraft.


Intel showed light resistance expected from enemy aircraft but heavy AAA around the target. Intel screwed the pooch (actually I did) by not providing a target photo or even runway orientation. We would have to figure it out when we got there. (I usually have a peek at the targetdata.ini to get this info but was eager ro get into the air.)


I was given a younger guy, 2Lt Elliot as my wingman but had two experienced pilots, Capt Ritcher and 1Lt Russell, as my second element.


We had no dedicated SEAD flight assigned as escort for this mission and only Denver flight, two F-8D, as air to air escort. I decided my wingman and myself could take out the runway with no problems and dedicated my second element to SEAD. Tiger flight, four A-4D, would be hitting targets in the area about five minutes ahead of us so the defences would be stirred up by the time we got there.


I decided on 4x M117 for my wingman and myself. The fuzes were set with a 60 msec delay to give bigger and better craters on the runway. (Looking back, Mk-82s would have been a better choice for penetrating the runway surface. They have a thicker case and would be less likely to break up before getting deep enough for a good crater.) I gave my second element 2x Shrike and 2x M117 with instantanious fuzing to take care of any radar and AAA threats in the area.


The basic plan for the mission was to ingress at 14,000 feet and attack along the same heading as the runway to increase the chance of good hits. My second element would go in first with my wingman and myself following 30 seconds later.


Lets see how it went...


Lined up for takeoff at Runway 06 at Homestead AFB.




On our way... We turn right and head for our marshall point off Key West.



The flight forms up and we climb to 14,000 feet.



We arrive off Key West 5 minutes early and hold. Denver flight, our escort passes below us and calls that they are pushing for the IP. Red Crown calls out bandits at 11 o'clock for 50 miles. It looks like we may get a little resistance...



This is Tiger flight, the two A-4Cs hitting targets around the same airfield we are heading to. Very cool markings...



Approaching the IP... We have the coast in sight. Red Crown calls bandits at 12 o'clock, for 10 miles. They are well below us at 5,000 feet. Our escort identifies them as MIG-17s and engages. They have the situation well in hand so we press on towards the IP.


Numerours Fox 2 and guns calls come from our escort.




Smoke trails appear below and to the right of our flight and MiGs go down in flames!





A MiG hits the water right under us. We had a nice view of the engagement...



Target in sight! The runway runs east - west so we need to get into a better position. I select all four M117 and set up to ripple them with a 140 msec setting. I'll try to put them down the center of the runway.



At 5 miles out I signal the second element to engage the air defences while my wingman and myself circle around to come in from the east, out of the sun.


As we circle towards the east, the second element calls "In hot." We look back and see hits on the usual AAA locations. They have done well!



Now its our turn. I signal my wingman to attack the runway and break right to line myself up. The remaining AAA has zeroed in on me and bursts are visible all around!



I roll into a 25 degree dive from 11,000 feet. I had planned to release from 8,000 feet and at 400 knots. That would put the reticule at 280 mils, well below the sight glass. With the amount of AAA I'm glad I decided to stay up high!


(I'm using Galanti's high res F-100 cockpit, by the way. Looks great! It's one of my favorite add-ons.)



Stabalized and lined up. Through 8,500 feet and... pickle! I give the bombs a couple seconds to come off and pull up.




I snap into a right turn and get the heck out of the area!



I peek back to look at the runway and see hits right down the middle. Good pass! I hope I make it back to brag about it...



As we come off the target Red Crown calls out bandits at 4 o'clock for 10 miles heading our way! I signal my flight to rejoin, dump my tanks, and claw for altitude. We could turn to engage, but not at low altitude and with perfectly good F-8s in the area. I take my flight northeast, away from the threat.




Looking back at the target one more time... They won't be using that runway for a while.



We form up and do a battle damage check. Everybody is accounted for and in decent shape.



On approach at Homestead...



On final...



Smooth landing. I love the way the F-100 flies since the latest patch!



I shut her down and head in to debrief.



A review of the tapes show good results from everybody in the flight. The runway is heavily damaged and several KS-19 and ZPU-2 guns were taken out.


Maintenance reports that Capt Ritcher's jet took some hits but should be patched up by tomorrow.


Not a bad mission!

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